Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Rubilacxe on 2006-08-01, 07:10

Title: Custom Resolutions....for Q2
Post by: Rubilacxe on 2006-08-01, 07:10
I asked this question a while back in reguards to Quake 3...the question being if it were possible to set Quake 3 to a custom screen resolution (such as mine...1440x900)....the answer is yes (http://forums.wireheadstudios.org/index.php?act=ST&f=2&t=2874) and I'm quite satisfied with the result.

Recently, I have installed the entire Quake series on my computer.  Quake 3 runs great, Quake 4 runs good.  Quake 1 required the use of a source port for best quality (DarkPlaces) but I'm quite satisfied with the result of that as well (check it out, if you haven't, here (http://icculus.org/twilight/darkplaces/index.html)).

All of these games (with the inclusion of DarkPlaces) have the ability to run within my screen size.....except for Quake 2.

Quake 2 (installed from the special edition Quake 4 box) runs great, but I'd love to swap it over to 1440x900 rather than 1024x768.  Is there any way to do this with vanilla Q2 or is a source port required...and if so, which source port would one recommend?

Any help is appreciated!  :thumb:

Title: Re: Custom Resolutions....for Q2
Post by: Tabun on 2006-08-01, 13:14
I don't know if it works with that version, but I'd try Quake2Evolved just for the sake of it. Pretty darn cool project and it even has per-pixel-lighting in its beta versions. Too bad it looks like the project died.