Title: Dashboard Mohammed (praise allah!) Post by: Woodsman on 2006-10-04, 17:32 http://www.dashboardmohammed.com/store.html (http://www.dashboardmohammed.com/store.html)
get one today! Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Lopson on 2006-10-04, 18:10 Now I can pull a prank on my Math teacher. Thanks, Woods!
Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Tabun on 2006-10-04, 19:32 Wow, so mohammed was a suicide bomber, eh? Or is this not the mohammed? ... :]
Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Thomas Mink on 2006-10-04, 21:28 It's modeled after the cartoon that was made making fun of Mohammad that caused an outburst amongst many Muslims.
http://hansmast.com/images/toon.jpg (http://hansmast.com/images/toon.jpg) Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: scalliano on 2006-10-05, 02:09 Looks more like the late Al-Zarqahwe to me (but then, nobody knows what Mohammed looks like, so, death to all infidels, etc :P)
Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Phoenix on 2006-10-05, 04:15 Oh my!
Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Husayn Abd al-RaHiim on 2006-10-05, 19:01 I and my fellow Muslims don't find this sort of thing funny at all. Ive seen the anti Islamic rantings on this forum before particularly from Woodsman and Kruzader so this dose not surprise me, of course what can i expect from a name like Kruzader except a bigot who hates Islam. I used to enjoy generations arena but i will not be playing anymore. I pity you when gods vengeance falls down upon you.
Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Woodsman on 2006-10-05, 19:08 Quote from: Husayn Abd al-RaHiim Ive seen the anti Islamic rantings on this forum before particularly from Woodsman and Kruzader so this dose not surprise me yeah? what are ya gonna do about it punk? declare a fatwa you camel sporkin sand eater!. :biggun:Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Lopson on 2006-10-05, 21:42 You see, in my land, we have these rubber snakes that we use to pull a couple of pranks. I didn't say that in a way to offend the Islamic religion, in fact, I can't even offend the Islamic religion, since I haven't read your Holy Book. What I can do is to critisize the acts perpetrated in the name of your religion.
Don't misinterpretate me. EDIT: Quote I pity you when gods vengeance falls down upon you. Don't use your God to excuse your hatred (or, if that's the case, racism).Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: scalliano on 2006-10-05, 21:43 Quote from: Husayn Abd al-RaHiim I and my fellow Muslims don't find this sort of thing funny at all. Ive seen the anti Islamic rantings on this forum before particularly from Woodsman and Kruzader so this dose not surprise me, of course what can i expect from a name like Kruzader except a bigot who hates Islam. I used to enjoy generations arena but i will not be playing anymore. I pity you when gods vengeance falls down upon you. Funny, never seen you before. If you or "your fellow Muslims" don't find it funny, think about that the next time you pass judgement on people of other religious (or anti-religious) persuasion. BTW how do you know God will do that? Did he tell you? Oooh, I'm scared. If God is the stuffy bastard that you've just made him out to be, then I'm glad I don't practice religion anymore.In short, don't dish it out if you can't take it. Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Husayn Abd al-RaHiim on 2006-10-05, 22:06 Okay ive had my laugh. This is actually woodsman playing a practical joke.
Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Woodsman on 2006-10-05, 22:08 ahahahahaha allah akbar!! :beer:
and kruz you really dissapoint me i thought you had more fight in you than that. Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Phoenix on 2006-10-05, 23:48 Nuts, I was hoping you'd let me go off on your alternate personality before you spoiled it Woods. :)~
Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Lopson on 2006-10-06, 07:26 I dealt it in a rational way. I hate the extremists, but if this was a normal Islamic person, I know that he'd have understand, and accept my argumentation.
Now, who's up for some BEER!? Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: scalliano on 2006-10-06, 14:11 Damn, i was just getting started :P
Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Moshman on 2006-10-07, 07:47 Bleh... Beer. a.k.a sewer water. I perfer some sake instead. <3
Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Husayn Abd al-RaHiim on 2006-10-12, 21:47 http://blogs.zdnet.com/Apple/?p=305 (http://blogs.zdnet.com/Apple/?p=305)
again you infidels offend my people! you will all burn in hell! convert to islam before its too late! Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Invictus on 2006-10-12, 22:09 We are Borg. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. You will exist to service us. Islam is irrelevent. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.
(http://www.wireheadstudios.org/forums/uploads/borgcube.jpg) Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: scalliano on 2006-10-12, 22:26 Next on the hitlist:
Professor Rubik The Japanese movie industry Nintendo This list is pending ... Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Phoenix on 2006-10-12, 22:35 Since when did the Borg start posting here? Oh well, just as long as you don't break any forum rules, or I'll show you what "Null" really means. -_-
Does anyone else see the resemblence between the Ka'ba and the Borg cube? Speaking of Star Trek, I don't remember ever seeing any Muslims in the Star Trek universe either. I'm reading something into this... Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: scalliano on 2006-10-12, 22:57 My only issue with this is that, if you look closely, the Ka'ba is actually more of a cuboid than a cube, so their argument is groundless.
OWNED! or should that be: ASSIMILATED! Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Left-Wing on 2006-10-18, 22:19 You should all be ashamed of yourselves! Picking on such an important minority, just because they like to express their anger in different ways than ours!
(http://i.cnn.net/cnn/2004/WORLD/asiapcf/03/04/binladen.search/vert.bin.laden.file.ap.jpg) This is the picture of a beautiful man, whose cause is a rightgeous one. I support him. What he's doing is absolutely amazing: he's trying to show that the Islamic people are just as good as we are. Don't you get it? They are poor. Show some love to them. I know I will (and have. I can clearly recall that night a few days ago, when I met this handsome Arabic man). Long live Bin Laden and his just cause! And please, do understand that this "blood shed by our own people" thing is just an excuse of the greatest enemy of this world, the fascists, to spread war and guns to all over the world. Don't spread guns, spread red roses. Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: scalliano on 2006-10-18, 23:17 HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE!!!
I think ... Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Visimar on 2006-10-19, 00:20 Okay, who's doing the jokes now? Woodsman again? :shifty:
Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Tabun on 2006-10-19, 01:23 Nah, that typical kind of uninspired, cheap 'left-wing' bashing is Kruzader's job.
Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2006-10-19, 03:35 While I know it is extremely offensive to portray Mohammed, that particular drawing and that particular statue could be anyone really. I would not take offense to it if I praticed any form of Islam.
:offtopic: Quote from: Invictus We are Borg. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. You will exist to service us. Islam is irrelevent. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. Our biological and technological distinctiveness is irrelevant. Assimilation is irrelevant. Your post is irrelevant. You must post a response to the subject matter at hand. Comply. Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Woodsman on 2006-10-19, 15:23 Okay now i am pissed Kruzader is trying to steal my joke! and what kind of name is left wing? i actually researched my terrorist alias. Furthermore i also attempted to not use language that sounded too "woodsmanish" when posting so it would be more convincing. (hence Husayn Abd al-RaHiim dosent say Allah instead of god nor does he call himself camel sporker or fig eater) . Left Wings little speah is pure Kruz talk nothing original or authenticly leftist about it. In conclusion my joke was better. Husayn Abd al-RaHiim is a fake character with a foot long wang Left wings girl friend has to put hot sauce on his penis just so she can feel somthing.
Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Phoenix on 2006-10-19, 15:43 Yup, that's Woodsman alright. Can't make a point without some kind of crude sexual reference being involved. :zzz:
Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: scalliano on 2006-10-19, 23:54 Quote from: Kain-Xavier While I know it is extremely offensive to portray Mohammed, that particular drawing and that particular statue could be anyone really. I would not take offense to it if I praticed any form of Islam. It's a cube, isn't it? :P:offtopic: Our biological and technological distinctiveness is irrelevant. Assimilation is irrelevant. Your post is irrelevant. You must post a response to the subject matter at hand. Comply. Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Thomas Mink on 2006-10-20, 01:05 Pathetic
(probably not referring to what you think, but whatever.. I'll leave it open.. since that almost fits too) Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Lopson on 2006-10-20, 07:44 Quote from: Woodsman Okay now i am pissed Kruzader is trying to steal my joke! and what kind of name is left wing? i actually researched my terrorist alias. Furthermore i also attempted to not use language that sounded too "woodsmanish" when posting so it would be more convincing. (hence Husayn Abd al-RaHiim dosent say Allah instead of god nor does he call himself camel sporker or fig eater) . Left Wings little speah is pure Kruz talk nothing original or authenticly leftist about it. In conclusion my joke was better. Husayn Abd al-RaHiim is a fake character with a foot long wang Left wings girl friend has to put hot sauce on his penis just so she can feel somthing. Well, it's pretty obvious that yours was more elaborated. I just wanted to bash something, and after much thinking, I decided to bash on THE LEFT WING! MWAHAHAH!BTW he doesn't have a girlfriend, Woods, he has a... boyfriend. :/ Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Left-Wing on 2006-10-20, 07:53 You all mock the power of homosex-- er, the left wing? How dare you, I ask! One day, we will dominate the entire world, along with MR. Bin Laden, and when that happens, I assure you that your rightgeousness will be evaporated and replaced with leftgeousness. You will all feel the mighty of the RED FIST! (I know I have, in the lower sections. Believe me when I say, HE'S pretty darn strong).
Don't drink Coca-cola, the water of the american imperialism. And Tabun, if my last speech wasn't inspiring enough, that can only mean that you are an INFIDEL! Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Phoenix on 2006-10-20, 07:57 Hey, wait a minute, all this talk of conquest is not Left-ist at all. In order to be leftist you have to have the people rise up, or else you have to establish a dialogue and reach a consensus, or else enact 14 UN resolutions that never get enforced but make the collective world sentiment feel as if it has accomplished something while actually doing nothing of consequence.
Really, if you want to bash the Left all you have to do is: 1) Speak plainly 2) Be honest Um... yeah, I think that about covers it. Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Tabun on 2006-10-20, 09:41 Is this really enjoyable or amusing to some people?
I know picking sides and sticking with them is an age-old form of entertainment, just like teenage peer pressure grouping and such. But I just can't see how an arbitrary two-way straw man construction keeps getting so much time and energy devoted to it. Black kicks White in the shins, White steals Black's lunch money. Boo-hoo, White will destroy the world with its evil. Boo-hoo, Black will take away our freedom. And suddenly, all shades of grey disappeared from play. Too easy, but maybe that is what makes it so appealing. People hug together on a forum with your friends and shout big bad words at an enemy that isn't even there, or isn't even the shape its shadow makes on the wall. Now we have a 'left winger' calling out 'infidel!'. We might introduce a 'right winger' calling out for a tax-jihad. Why not get back to Kerry vs Bush jokes? Maybe we could discuss 9/11 conspiracy theories again? or 911-conspiracy-conspiracies? What fun! Lots of thick shouts might do the trick and save world hunger too. Everyone pick a side and start bawling. I'll just sit here and wonder at the whole show, shall I? (Seriously, a 'homosex' joke? Does that still make you go all giddy?) Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Woodsman on 2006-10-20, 12:54 This is not my fault. My joke was funny.
Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Lopson on 2006-10-20, 15:15 You see, this is a kind of behaviour quite common for a left-winger here in my country. OK, so I admit it's not the funniest thing, because this is mainly a national rant. For this lack of internationality, I apologize.
You ask if this is enjoyable? No, it ain't enjoyable, but it is a fine, jolly way to get rid of some fustration. Quote Too easy, but maybe that is what makes it so appealing. People hug together on a forum with your friends and shout big bad words at an enemy that isn't even there, or isn't even the shape its shadow makes on the wall. That is because this is all a joke. So what if I'm insulting real people? The people that I do intend to insult are far beyond my reach, so it's not like I can do a thing to express my oppinion to that person. If I could, I would, but I can't, simple as that. If there are any left wingers here that fit in this profile, then I hate you, simple as that. I know many left wingers, whose oppinions, ideals and intentions are perfectly sane and rational, but unfortunately, the left-wingers who are in control of my country aren't that kind of people.I've said this a long time: I do not intend to insult the ideals and foundations of the Left-Wing, but I don intend to insult and hate those who use these things for their own evil purposes. Don't you dare think that I only care about the Left wing in this matter. Many people in the Right wing also use the ideals of the right side for their own evil purposes, and I also hate those people. I was aprehensive, at first, about this joke. I hate to make fun of politics, simply because my tendency is to bash one side, instead of both. But I hope that this post cleared out any crazy ideas you had about me. Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Tabun on 2006-10-20, 16:52 I don't dare to do anything beyond claim that it is quite easy to pick sides and use absurd extremes and fictional clich?s to make insulting, pseudo-humorous jokes. If you want to insult 'the opposition' as bluntly and as clumsily as possible, there's no problem whatsoever.
I for one do not believe that such insults are helpful, funny or hitting any sensible mark whatever. It's just assuming the role of a caricature, by shouting at other cararicatures. I simply don't accept that "The Left-Wing" is (not even in your country) exclusively what you make it out to be. I'm not even touching the discussion whether "left" and "right" are internationally applicable terms here. Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Phoenix on 2006-10-20, 21:03 Enjoyable? Amusing? Hardly. There's no explosions involved.
Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Lopson on 2006-10-20, 21:17 And where are the gibs? Who the hell coded politics, y'know?
Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Phoenix on 2006-10-20, 21:44 Actually there was a Political Arena mod for Q3 a while back.
Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Thomas Mink on 2006-10-20, 22:18 -_- ... :rolleyes: ... -_-
Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Tabun on 2006-10-20, 22:43 "There's no explosions involved."
Word. Time for Doom night generations arena. 32 people on the server. Lots of explosions... Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: scalliano on 2006-10-21, 01:04 I'LL TAKE YEZ ALL ON!!!
Title: Re: Dashboard Mohammed Post by: Phoenix on 2006-10-21, 04:27 Three frags "Left"... :D