Title: Baby = Club? Post by: Phoenix on 2006-10-10, 03:49 Quote A woman used her 4-week-old baby as a weapon in a domestic dispute, swinging the infant through the air and striking her boyfriend with the child, authorities said. http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/10/09/D.../D8KL9F287.html (http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/10/09/D8KL9F287.html)Ok... I thought I had seen or heard of just about everything. This is a first, even to me. I think this has the all-time initial "WTF" factor of anything I've read so far. Title: Re: Baby = Club? Post by: Thomas Mink on 2006-10-10, 03:58 Buncha whackjobs in Pennsylvania lately... infant clubs.. Amish school shootings.. ahhhhh, I love living here.
Title: Re: Baby = Club? Post by: Visimar on 2006-10-10, 04:43 Ugh...reading that really made me feel as if I was going to vomit. Using an actual infant as a bludgeoning weapon? That is so sick as it is wrong...in order to save my innards I must refrain from explaining how I feel about this further.
Eck... Title: Re: Baby = Club? Post by: Lopson on 2006-10-10, 08:04 This is the problem with defective weapons: once you use them, you will not be able to reuse them.
Is it just me, or is that woman a nutter? Title: Re: Baby = Club? Post by: Woodsman on 2006-10-10, 19:30 Maybe she sees it as her and the child united in a common goal.