Title: Remember, Remember (The 5th of November...) Post by: Phoenix on 2006-11-03, 18:52 http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_20631...3135.html?menu= (http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_2063135.html?menu=)
"Remember, Remember the Fifth of November The gunpowder treason and plot I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason Should ever be forgot. So opens the rhyme for Guy Fawkes night, celebrated in England to commemorate the foiling of the plot to blow up Parlaiment. For those not familiar with English history, they should at least recognize the words as they were spoken by Hugo Weaving. I find it very ironic that the same year the movie V for Vendetta was released, officials in Tower Hamlets decide not to remember the 5th of November. Everything, it appears, is losing its meaning to political correctness. In America, they've all but taken Christ out of the manger at Christmas (in some places they have). So now in England, in the very heart of London, Guy Fawkes night is being turned into some pseudo-asian celebration with a paper tiger to burn; nevermind what the night has to do with the Gunpowder Plot. It's not just a night to burn something in a bonfire, but if that's what it's turned into, I suppose England might as well burn its history along with everyone else. Perhaps one day, when the world is wreathed with flame, people might actually remember the warnings and lessons of history, and what their ancestors tried to tell them. Until then, penny for the guy? Title: Re: Remember, Remember Post by: Thomas Mink on 2006-11-04, 23:19 Foamy's Christmas Rant (http://www.scarysquirrel.org/santa/foamy/index.html)
I was reminded of this while reading your post, and forgive me if it's too offensive to post (lots of foul language). Might not be relavant, seeing as how your post was mostly about Guy Fawkes.. but, I tend to get caught in the middle of most of your posts and focus on that instead. Title: Re: Remember, Remember Post by: Left-Wing on 2006-11-05, 20:48 Who cares about tradition? It's too offensive.
Title: Re: Remember, Remember Post by: Tabun on 2006-11-05, 20:58 Hmm, I was hoping that depressingly pitiful excuse for a "left-wing" joke would have been left to merciful forgetfulness. Alas, there it is again, coughing up blood and apparently trying to get its gasps heard over the noise of daily traffic. Poor, poor, defenseless and doomed joke. It is sad to admit, but this is a sick puppy, putting it to sleep is the kindest thing to be done. Sorry kids, but it's the only way.
Title: Re: Remember, Remember Post by: scalliano on 2006-11-05, 21:28 Political Correctness: The Language Of Fear.
I find it ironic that the main advocates of political correctness are usually the most BIGOTED of all. PC is for those racist f***s who are too scared to admit to their own shortcomings. Face it, we're ALL bigots in some way - it's all about realizing the fact and how we deal with curbing it. PC is not the way. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. If you dilute your own beliefs to accommodate others, then you need to grow some balls, frankly. Title: Re: Remember, Remember Post by: Phoenix on 2006-11-06, 05:37 Indeed. One can always choose to remain silent out of prudence, or respect, or courtesy, but that should always be their choice. One should not have to remain silent out of fear of reprisal simply for stating the truth. When fear of litigation, of condemnation, of mere accusation forces people into silence, then people are no longer free but are ruled by fear - the fear of being stigmatized, of being tried and convicted in a court of words, found guilty in the sight of their peers all while having committed no crime. Such is not liberty, nor does it expand the boundaries of tolerence, but rather tightens it like a noose around the necks of all those who would dare to confront injustice and villainy. Tolerence coerced is not tolerence at all, but yet another form of tyranny masquerading its treachery behind a lie of enlightened thought. True tolerence can only come from within, and the wise perceive that some things should never be tolerated.