Title: Dateline Reporter Outed from DefCon Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2007-08-04, 10:39 http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2007/08/media-mole-at-d.html
Dateline producer Michelle Madigan attempted to attend the world's biggest security convention under false pretenses. Not surprisingly, she was outed and publicly humiliated. Geeks: 1, Sensationalism: 0 If you're feeling rather salacious, there is also a YouTube video showcasing her expulsion: http://youtube.com/watch?v=nCvmkxO5hoQ Look I understand the merit of undercover journalism, but I do not appreciate innocent people being vilified, especially given Dateline's previous work. Title: Re: Dateline Reporter Outed from DefCon Post by: Phoenix on 2007-08-04, 19:08 Here's a news flash: REPORTERS ARE NOT LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENTS! Seriously, I get sick of the absolute arrogance these people have. They think that because they're reporters they can do anything they want and get away with it. Um, no you twit, you have to follow the rules like the rest of the civilian population of this country. I'm glad to see this one get taken down a peg, especially by her "peers" chasing her with the cameras. That's poetic.