Title: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Visimar on 2007-08-05, 19:42 After the little incident here at the forums a while ago I wanted to revive my topic again after what happened to it, but I figured a fresh restart would have been better. So here's the new art topic!
I'll throw in an important rule this time around, so that the topic will be as appropriate as possible: NO NUDITY/EXPLICIT SCENES. While I myself enjoy these kind of images, they're not appropriate for the forums. If you're unsure if the image classified as nudity or explicit, then it's better off if you do not post it. Aside from that, if you have any images that you made or were made for you that you want to show off, then by all means do so. I'll start with a recent one I got, of a dragoness character I've created quite a few years ago. She hasn't been in an image for about three to four years, so I thought it was good to get a new one of her done. Note that the pose isn't meant to be sensual, as all she's doing is surveying the land down below. I just thought I'd mention this since some might think of it as inappropriate, as I don't see this like it at all. I've seen enough images to tell what's appropriate and what's not. Glismoda (http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/VisimarGerantul/glismoda.jpg) Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Phoenix on 2007-08-05, 21:05 No problems here, though I should clarify a few things.
If anyone has a general art gallery that has subgalleries that contain explicit material, you may post a link to the general gallery provided you supply a warning that there are subgalleries containing explicit material. If a gallery contains mixed material and you have no dedicated subgalleries for dividing it out, then you may post a link to the gallery on the condition that you provide a warning that it contains adult material. It's much better if people divide their material, and I know most artists do, but I also realize people are at the mercy of the design of their hosting site. If you can divide your material out, please do so first, then consider linkage. By adult material I mean your personal art work that might contain artistic nudes. If anyone thinks to be cute and links to an actual porn site or any potentially dangerous website I will ban them immediately and decide later if you should get your account back. That's mainly a warning for any lurking trolls. I think most people using this board are fairly reasonable so I expect you'll all use good judgement there. You MAY NOT post a link directly to explicit material, and using image tags on explicit material anywhere on the board will result in moderator intervention. We'd rather not have anyone getting in hot water at work or at home over someone else's indiscretions on our board. Remember that anyone who wants to share things with each other that are not work-safe or otherwise appropriate for public posting on the board can do so by PM. There are no restrictions on those so long as the party you're messaging has no objections. Last, if anyone has doubts on whether something is permissible on the board, ask!. Send me a PM with a link and I'll take a look and let you know. There's no harm in asking. :slippy_thumb: Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Tabun on 2007-08-05, 21:08 I would like to add that insect-pornography is still allowed, if not antromorphized.
Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: ~Va^^pyrA~ on 2007-08-06, 01:46 I would like to add that insect-pornography is still allowed, if not antromorphized. w00t! :doom_love: (http://www.knottybits.com/isw/AsiaticLilyBeetles2ISW.jpg) Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Phoenix on 2007-08-06, 01:56 :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Sucutrule on 2007-08-11, 02:46 :D
Got a random sketch over heeeeeere.. (http://xs318.xs.to/xs318/07326/VD.png) What do you say? Want him to be your valentine? Sorry for the screen agressive size... Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Visimar on 2007-10-05, 19:26 (http://www.knottybits.com/isw/AsiaticLilyBeetles2ISW.jpg) OMG, PORN? GTFO OF MY THREAD. :shout: Darn you for allowing someone to post that, Tab! D: Anyway, another image of Glismoda (http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x99/v-princess007/rpe.jpg), this time as a quadruped. Done by V-Princess007. Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Sucutrule on 2007-10-06, 02:25 Something done aaaaa loooooooooong tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime ago
http://alol.deviantart.com/art/Angel-with-a-suit-64764736 Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Lopson on 2007-10-07, 09:28 (http://www.knottybits.com/isw/AsiaticLilyBeetles2ISW.jpg) (http://www.dexters.blogger.com.br/dexter1.jpg)GET OUT OF MY LABORATORY! Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Kajet on 2007-10-07, 13:12 Grubs in my generations website?
Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Phoenix on 2007-10-07, 22:38 Back on topic please!
Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Tabun on 2007-10-07, 23:33 Aye-aye, sir.
Just a quickie: this is kind of what pops to mind, for me, when the word "dragon" is dropped.. (http://www.tabun.nl/img/2d/monster02.jpg) Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Phoenix on 2007-10-08, 04:30 They said dragon, not Dagon! :wtf:
Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Tabun on 2007-10-08, 11:19 Dagon you say?
(http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c3/Dagon1.jpg) *cough* Anyway, I didn't misread. ;p Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Phoenix on 2007-10-08, 14:46 Ahh, Dagon-san, your Fish-Fu is strong. :ninja:
And yes, your dragon picture is quite impressive. Not what I remember dragons looking like myself, but I can't even remember if I've ever met such a thing as a dragon in a past life, so who knows. Given a choice though, I think I'd rather risk a cuddle with Glismoda than the evil Tab dragon. Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Lopson on 2007-10-08, 17:46 Shopping over the Net (http://kruzader.deviantart.com/art/Shopping-over-the-Net-65360426)
Communication Problems (http://kruzader.deviantart.com/art/Communication-Problems-66823585) Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Visimar on 2007-10-08, 18:46 I agree with Pho. That evil-looking dragon looks like it could rip me in two.
Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Kajet on 2007-10-09, 10:47 That dragon looks pretty well adapted for aquatic environments.
Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Visimar on 2007-10-25, 23:42 Oh shi, Pokemanz!
A Salamence version of me (http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc102/deepfrozendragon/visimarsalamencefull.png) done by a friend of mine, who calls himself Ranger. Not the same Ranger as the slipgate hero, mind you. Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Visimar on 2008-03-28, 01:34 Sorry for bumpage.
I actually recently altered my dragon form, but never fear, I never completely abandoned the older one. Meet Radon (http://visimar.obsi.beoch.net/radon/fulladder-radon_chibi.jpg), a character that I made in order to keep my old shell alive. He's 'chibified' here. (Also, you can explore the contents of the site [It's just a directory listing], but I'd advise against it as it has NSFW material within it.) Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Phoenix on 2008-03-28, 01:43 Pretty cute. I like the "insane zombie attack!" version. He's got akimbo mortars? :wtf: Slipgater's nightmare! :omfg:
That actually reminds me of a dream I had a few days ago. I dreamed that the mortar could load multiple shells from its drum, like the rocket launcher from UT, and fire something like 8 shells all at once, in a flat spread though they still flew in an arc, and each one exploded like a Quake 1 rocket. It caused my view to rock back and forth like a, well, Quake. It was pretty wicked. Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Thomas Mink on 2008-03-28, 03:10 It'sa me! Mario! Well, not really... it's a Shy Guy (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v246/Vaeladven/Artwork/shyguy2.jpg).
I drew it about 2 years ago during break at work, then did slight touch-ups in Adobe (such as making the mask, eye holes, and mouth hole all round), as well as coloring. Also included the original sprite from Super Mario Bros. 2 (US), which was pretty much my reference. Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Visimar on 2008-12-25, 17:09 HAI DER
Apologies for my insisting on disappearing every now and then, but I haven't been as interested in Quake as I used to. Heck, I could say that for any game. :( But anyway, more content! Not by me, blah blah blah, you know the drill. I should note before I start linking that most of the links I posted are now dead. I have this deletion habit, you see. I've been trying to put it off, but... Enough of that though. Time for some more new content! The new and improved Visimar! (http://visimar.obsi.beoch.net/images/general/agentelrond-visimar.jpg) The full-size version of the icon I'm currently using here. (http://visimar.obsi.beoch.net/images/general/dracothrope_nobodydragoon-visimar.png) A badge! ...kinda. (http://visimar.obsi.beoch.net/images/general/wfa-visimar.jpg) You can thank Agent Elrond (http://agent-elrond.deviantart.com/) for the makeover. I had no idea what I wanted except for it to be snakey and blue. And icy. Screw dragons, nagas are all the rage now. Still flamethrower fodder, though. :( I'm such a necromancer. ^_^ Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Phoenix on 2009-01-08, 05:16 Screw dragons Careful there fella, some people might get the wrong idea! :!: Artwork is very good, though I'm still rather fond of this one. (http://agent-elrond.deviantart.com/art/Kiriban-prize-for-Visimar-30791241) :smirk: Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Thomas Mink on 2009-01-08, 12:18 Careful there fella, some people might get the wrong idea! :!: Unfortunately true. Damn furries. Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Visimar on 2009-01-23, 03:01 Careful there fella, some people might get the wrong idea! :!: That's not what I was going for. Honest!Unfortunately true. Damn furries. Says the one who prances around as a furry himself. :\Oh, and the files might get wiped on the 26th so the webhost can clear some issues. If they do I'll reupload them. Same for any other files I linked to that have disappeared, if I can bother myself to. Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Phoenix on 2009-01-23, 03:26 Says the one who prances around as a furry himself. :\ I think that was meant as sarcastic irony, not a genuine swipe at furries, for that very reason. Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Visimar on 2009-01-23, 03:31 I think that was meant as sarcastic irony, not a genuine swipe at furries, for that very reason. Yes, I realize that. Hence why I decided to reply to that with my own satire. There is some truth behind what Thomas Mink said, though. Being involved with the furry community myself I have seen plenty of the 'hormone overdrive' cases, and a lot of them are pretty sad. I won't go into details to keep this topic as work-safe as possible.But never mind me, I'm just making my own topic go off its rails. Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Phoenix on 2009-01-23, 18:11 Well, this is a discussion regarding art still, so it's fine. As for what you mentioned, I understand. No further clarification necessary. :doom_thumb:
Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Thomas Mink on 2009-01-25, 00:10 There is some truth behind what Thomas Mink said, though. Being involved with the furry community myself I have seen plenty of the 'hormone overdrive' cases, and a lot of them are pretty sad. Pretty much why I said it in the first place. My own personal form of odd, yet not entirely false, sarcasm.Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Visimar on 2009-01-27, 09:15 Glismoda (http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y25/icedragonvisy/sarcasticmarten-glismoda.jpg)
Wow, I don't have any excuse for this next one. Really, I don't. I had it done a year ago and completely forgot about requesting it. Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Phoenix on 2009-01-27, 20:00 She's up to something. :surprise:
Title: Re: Art Topic REDUX Post by: Visimar on 2009-03-19, 07:14 Pew pew! (http://visimar.obsi.beoch.net/images/general/horrorshow-radon.jpg)