Title: Gen Game Nights Post by: Lordbane2110 on 2007-10-15, 19:27 I Don't know about you guys but i miss the gen game nights
so i was thinking what about with we start them again like it was in the old days Tues, Thurs, Sat anybody else miss that Title: Re: Gen Game Nights Post by: Tabun on 2007-10-15, 22:40 Saturdays at 9 are still the default gaming nights. Alu and I have skipped once or twice, but we're usually there (euro time, and euro server, mostly). If you want to play then or at any other time, I recommend you drop by in the IRC channel and shout out for gamin' (be sure to include my name, if you want to be assured of my attention).
Title: Re: Gen Game Nights Post by: Phoenix on 2007-10-16, 05:21 Things have been chaotic for myself, but I'll try to drop by Saturdays for the US game. Sometimes I'm free for the Euro game. Other nights are hard for me right now, but if you see me in IRC (not the Idlebot - it just idles) I'm usually up for a game.