Title: Widescreen support? Post by: Assamite on 2007-10-16, 14:04 I recently acquired a new monitor that just happens to be widescreen. Thus, I had to re-tweak several of my games to properly fit the widescreen resolution (1680x1050). Now, this has led to several glitches in the Gen interface, such as the class/model selection screen. I'll post pics when I can get a hold of them.
I know most people don't have widescreen, so: 1. Is it considered "cheating" when you pick a widescreen resolution/FOV? 2. Will Gen have support for widescreen resolutions? Title: Re: Widescreen support? Post by: Rubilacxe on 2007-10-16, 15:29 I have widescreen (1440x900), and to answer your questions:
1. I wouldn't consider it cheating necessarily. I notice little difference between one screen to the next, but maybe I'm just used to my screen. It certainly hasn't given me any particular advantages that I can notice. 2. Gen "kinda-sorta" has widescreen support. Look into http://forums.wireheadstudios.org/index.php?topic=2874.0 <--- that thread to see how to set the resolution to whatever you want. Phoenix explained it all to me there. I'm sure you could try your resolution that way. EDIT: Upon inspecting your thread more carefully, I see that you may have already tried this. Not every resolution works perfectly this way, from what I understand. I think the DEVs need to clarify this one. Title: Re: Widescreen support? Post by: Phoenix on 2007-10-16, 16:17 As far as cheating is concerned, I would not consider the use of custom resolutions nor widescreen monitors as cheating. That's like saying someone using faster video hardware is cheating because they can get a higher framerate than someone playing on a Pentium III. A wider view can be had using cg_fov commands higher than 90, and several people including some team members prefer to play at cg_fov 110 or so in order to get a wider view. I can't stand the distortion myself, so I play with cg_fov 90. The next version of Gen will have better view model support for higher FOV's so that gun models don't distory when changing FOV settings.
Some pictures will definitely help. I know Alucard ran into some problems too, but the more info I have the better. I don't have a widescreen monitor nor do I have access to one, so I'll have to rely on feedback as to whether something is fixed once I make changes. Title: Re: Widescreen support? Post by: Assamite on 2007-10-17, 06:55 Here's a pic at 2/3 size. The effect is still noticeable. However, this isn't a "major" problem, and a simple interface change might fix it right up.
Title: Re: Widescreen support? Post by: bengreenwood on 2008-01-27, 17:29 Widescreen support would be cool for connecting your PC up to a big whopper of a widescreen CRT TV. Not got around to that myself but I intend to, when I can. Now that I've found Generations Arena, that's just one more cool thing to do on it!