Title: Doomed Days of Christmas Post by: Phoenix on 2007-12-11, 20:29 On the Doomed days of Christmas, Id Software gave to me...
Twelve zombies moaning Eleven demons growling Ten barons bruising Nine ceilings crushing Eight imps a-skulking Seven skulls a-screaming Six cybers stomping Five Gold Skull Keys Four episodes Three Soul Spheres Two plasma cells And a fully charged BFG! :doom_love: :doom_love: :doom_love: :doom_love: Title: Re: Doomed Days of Christmas Post by: Phoenix on 2007-12-26, 00:49 Merry Christmas everyone!
Title: Re: Doomed Days of Christmas Post by: Lopson on 2007-12-26, 01:34 And merry it was! Now all that's left is New Year's Eve.
Title: Re: Doomed Days of Christmas Post by: scalliano on 2007-12-26, 04:06 Yup, as it happens I'm still drunk :doom_thumb: