Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Tabun on 2007-12-23, 01:57

Title: Allow me to wish everyone here..
Post by: Tabun on 2007-12-23, 01:57

.. A very happy new year. Make 2008 as good, if not better, than 2007 was.*

* If 2007 sucked for you, may 2008 .. not suck!



Title: Re: Allow me to wish everyone here..
Post by: Phoenix on 2007-12-23, 04:58
You reading the right week on the calendar?  I think you passed up Christmas...  :surprise:

Title: Re: Allow me to wish everyone here..
Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2007-12-23, 11:42
Happy new year to you as well Tabun. :)

PS: Did you get that thing I sent ya?

PSS: Update your damn website!  It's been nearly a year! :p

Title: Re: Allow me to wish everyone here..
Post by: Tabun on 2007-12-23, 13:00
I also passed over easter, hannukah and probably a million russian festivities. No offense, It'd just be insincere for me not to stick to a new-year's card.

I do hope everyone here has a great christmas-time, too! Just come back to this thread after you're done with your respective other holidays, and accept by best wishes. ;]

Title: Re: Allow me to wish everyone here..
Post by: Kajet on 2007-12-23, 13:16
Alternate caption:

This picture has none

Title: Re: Allow me to wish everyone here..
Post by: Phoenix on 2007-12-23, 17:19
No offense taken Tabby, I just thought that perhaps you're working (or studying) too hard.  Can't be too careful, time can fly past like that!

Kajet:  Of course it makes sense.  Didn't you know that Desert Hippo Surfing is the next extreme sport that nobody knows about yet?

Title: Re: Allow me to wish everyone here..
Post by: Kajet on 2007-12-23, 20:15
huh... news to me...

Title: Re: Allow me to wish everyone here..
Post by: scalliano on 2007-12-23, 23:36
Tab, that guy looks remarkably like you ...

BTW Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year, too. :)

Title: Re: Allow me to wish everyone here..
Post by: Phoenix on 2007-12-30, 22:36

Title: Re: Allow me to wish everyone here..
Post by: Arno on 2008-01-02, 20:36
Happy new year guys!  :D

Title: Re: Allow me to wish everyone here..
Post by: Lopson on 2008-01-02, 22:52
Ya know... Just a few days before New Year's Eve, I suddenly remembered the pic you did last year, Tab. '??'

Happy New Year guys!

Title: Re: Allow me to wish everyone here..
Post by: shambler on 2008-01-06, 12:33
Happy new year everyone.

so much has happened, but nothing that will affect the balance of the universe

myspace.com/helenandrichard :slippy_love: