Title: The Animated Gifs thread Post by: Tabun on 2008-01-29, 23:46 Ehrm. I was cleaning up some files on my server, and ran across a "collection" of animated gifs. Time to share a few of the good ones with you folks.
First off, something to wake you up: (http://www.tabun.nl/tmp/sigs/silly/snowy9ik_joke.gif) And if that one wasn't twisty enough for you, watch this: (http://www.tabun.nl/tmp/sigs/silly/gotcha!.gif) I love little jokes like that. Here's some stuff that's just generally .. internet-weird: (http://www.tabun.nl/tmp/sigs/silly/cheesy_grannyphone.gif) Don't ask me why I think that rocks.. it just.. works for me. (http://www.tabun.nl/tmp/sigs/silly/dancing_girl.gif) Less insane, and cute in a "the japanse are nuts" kind of way. (http://www.tabun.nl/tmp/sigs/silly/grammar-time.gif) Makes for a great avatar for those grammar-nazi's out there.. Parodies get popular too, and sometimes little jewels result from them: (http://www.tabun.nl/tmp/sigs/silly/matrix%20origami.gif) (http://www.tabun.nl/tmp/sigs/silly/niggastolemyyoshi.gif) That one works for me, too. I lost way too many Yoshi's, although it usually was me dumping the poor creature into the abyss just to save my own sorry ass. Still. You know, fun. Classic: (http://www.tabun.nl/tmp/sigs/silly/fatguyeats.gif) I even used that one for an "annoying animated signature" prank. But it wasn't annoying, just .. amazing. Realistic: (http://www.tabun.nl/tmp/sigs/silly/bird_stealing_chips.gif) Animals + antropomorph intentional stance = humor. I remember posting this one here earlier, because .. it's a bird. No? I hope you enjoyed that about half as much as I did. At least, anyway. I also hope you didn't mind me spacing the post up a bit, so there wouldn't be animation-clutter here. Title: Re: The Animated Gifs thread Post by: ReBoOt on 2008-01-30, 00:15 ah so i see..the birds evolved abit from sitting outside mcdonalds eating leftovers to actually go into stores and steal!! hehe some hillarious gifs there
Title: Re: The Animated Gifs thread Post by: scalliano on 2008-01-30, 00:23 :doom_love: matrix
Title: Re: The Animated Gifs thread Post by: Phoenix on 2008-01-30, 01:25 We birds get far too little credit...
...even to the point of being insulted and called human by those who doubt our capabilities. Title: Re: The Animated Gifs thread Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2008-01-30, 01:40 (http://i28.tinypic.com/kcjrwm.gif)
The least sexually-suggestive Lazy Town 'shop that exists. It's also somewhat relevant to Generations Arena. (http://i28.tinypic.com/2yxozf7.gif) Batman likes to watch... (http://i26.tinypic.com/28c2fjl.jpg) I can't remember what movie this is from, but it amuses me greatly. (http://i28.tinypic.com/eq2vzm.gif) And finally a round of applause for everyone's animated gifs. Title: Re: The Animated Gifs thread Post by: Tabun on 2008-01-30, 03:05 Quote I can't remember what movie this is from, but it amuses me greatly. That's from a rather insane fight in Anchorman. The clapping bear is from the hilarious series Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law. But I guess you knew that. :] Title: Re: The Animated Gifs thread Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2008-01-30, 12:11 The clapping bear... Ha ha ha, clap. Not so good... :( And thanks for the reminder about the Anchorman gif. Title: Re: The Animated Gifs thread Post by: Phoenix on 2008-01-31, 21:45 (http://www.wireheadstudios.org/phoenix/pics/misc/hitler_watermelon.gif)
Title: Re: The Animated Gifs thread Post by: Tabun on 2008-01-31, 22:34 Oh. I just love that one.
Title: Re: The Animated Gifs thread Post by: scalliano on 2008-02-02, 00:00 An oldie but a goodie:
Title: Re: The Animated Gifs thread Post by: Kajet on 2008-02-02, 06:13 An oldie but a goodie: No wonder he's hasn't been caught yet... Title: Re: The Animated Gifs thread Post by: Tabun on 2008-02-03, 03:24 Heheh.
Pretty charmed by this one, that I ran into today, simple as it is: (http://www.tabun.nl/tmp/sigs/silly/cat_fryingpan.gif) Title: Re: The Animated Gifs thread Post by: Phoenix on 2008-02-03, 05:49 My theory has finally been proven! :D