Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: ~Va^^pyrA~ on 2008-06-06, 20:05

Title: Hey, The Site's Back!
Post by: ~Va^^pyrA~ on 2008-06-06, 20:05
I'm glad to see that Wirehead's not dead. I was worried there for a while. I briefly popped into the IRC channel however and saw the posted topic, mentioning that the site was down.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know that some of us do worry. I'd hate to think that I might not ever see Generations Arena finished. :slippy_love:

Title: Re: Hey, The Site's Back!
Post by: Tabun on 2008-06-06, 20:10
We don't exactly know why the site went down ourselves, but rest assured on one account: even if we do get out of the air for a while, Gens will be finished. :]

Title: Re: Hey, The Site's Back!
Post by: fourier on 2008-06-07, 02:12
I haven't been around (haven't been near a computer in almost 2 months).  I just got back and saw that the site was gone, so I dropped by the irc channel and no one was in there.  I thought the project died while I was gone.  Good to see you guys are still around.

Title: Re: Hey, The Site's Back!
Post by: ReBoOt on 2008-06-07, 10:41
Naw gen aint dead far from it  :)

Title: Re: Hey, The Site's Back!
Post by: Phoenix on 2008-06-07, 16:50
The site went down for reasons unknown, and returned for reasons equally unknown.  I'm thinking the hosting service had a router box blow out or something else occurred that severed communications with the server.

Project is not dead, far from it.  The site failure happened right when I'm in the process of re-engineering parts of my nest that desperately need it, so my online presence has been like Duke Nukem at E3 the past few years and progress has been very slow as a result, and Murphy's law works in this respect that any time I am busy with other things, that's when the site will bork.  Rest assured, I have the site fully backed up as of today, and should the server die the site will rise again, and even if the site is down the project will still be going on behind the scenes.

Also, if there's every any concerns I can be reached at

phoenix9000 at
planet quake
dawt comm

by email.  Pardon the obfuscation, and "up yours" to the spammers of the world.  I check my email once a day usually, so if I cannot be reached on the forums or in IRC I can be reached this way.

Title: Re: Hey, The Site's Back!
Post by: fourier on 2008-06-07, 22:57
Yeah, we've talked a lot, but when I came back I realized I never emailed you, we always talked through pms.  You're not on quakedev.com are you?  I got on there but I don't think that have a member list.  Anyway, moot point now.

Title: Re: Hey, The Site's Back!
Post by: Tabun on 2008-06-08, 02:47
Heh, I always used to talk to my gf through PMS. I guess wasn't the kind you were talking about though.

Title: Re: Hey, The Site's Back!
Post by: Phoenix on 2008-06-08, 03:06
No, I'm unfamiliar with quakedev.

Tab:  I suffer from PMS (Phoenix Molting Severely) once a year.  :P

Title: Re: Hey, The Site's Back!
Post by: ReBoOt on 2008-06-08, 07:04
PMS? i think my gf has that quite often... Now someone give me the big female manual please!

Wow im half asleep typing this so im off to drink some coffe.

Title: Re: Hey, The Site's Back!
Post by: fourier on 2008-06-09, 00:15
lol, I guess I should have said "PMs" or "PM's".

Title: Re: Hey, The Site's Back!
Post by: Lopson on 2008-06-09, 11:18
I was quite worried, but it all worked out in the end. :) Glad to see the site back.

Title: Re: Hey, The Site's Back!
Post by: Thomas Mink on 2008-06-10, 01:26
I was concerned for a bit.. but I've been around long enough to know Pho wouldn't just abandon Gen without at least saying something first, Tab as well...let alone just randomly shutting the site down. I mean.. if the Q2 Gen site can remain at least somewhat functional, I'm sure Q3 Gen's would too in one way or another.. even if just to have a goodbye message.

Title: Re: Hey, The Site's Back!
Post by: scalliano on 2008-06-10, 22:08
Welcome back people, You had me worried there for a while. I thought maybe the site had been hacked again (touch wood).