Wirehead Studios

Wirehead Modifications => General Development ('Laced Neptune') => Topic started by: J3E125 on 2011-09-01, 04:21

Title: Resurgence
Post by: J3E125 on 2011-09-01, 04:21
 I'vebeen wondering about resurgence, and I want to know what you will try(if possible), I have my idea for it in my wishlistl; and after it could be done a monster hunt mode of it would a plus & some maps could be done by the people. :doom_thumb:

Title: Re: Resurgence
Post by: Phoenix on 2011-09-01, 08:43
Resurgence is on indefinite hold until the multiplayer portion of Gen is 100% complete, otherwise we'd never get 1.0 released.  :surprise:

Title: Re: Resurgence
Post by: ~Va^^pyrA~ on 2011-09-01, 16:51
I recall playing Hunt back in the day. No game mode would be more perfect for Gen that Resurgence. Given the popularity that Horde and Invasion type modes have currently, I hope it is something we get to see after 1.0. :)

Title: Re: Resurgence
Post by: J3E125 on 2011-09-02, 00:06
 any ideas though phoenix?
 vaprya I think 2 types of resurgence should be campaign & monster hunt. boy gotta love the chaos, m.h.  on the unreal mayhem servers anyone? :shout:

Title: Re: Resurgence
Post by: ~Va^^pyrA~ on 2011-09-02, 03:00
If I recall, there was an old preview build that Planet Quake wrote about. It was more campaign-like than it was a straight up Horde/Invasion mode like Hunt has. Of course, that was a proof-of-concept from years and years ago. I doubt it has much bearing on the current or future state of the mod.

Title: Re: Resurgence
Post by: J3E125 on 2011-09-02, 04:58
I think a q3 revolution style sp is alright. I do think true sp is possible because dark conjunction was campaign. :doomed:

Title: Re: Resurgence
Post by: ReBoOt on 2011-09-02, 16:34
Of course it's possible if there is enough time and effort put into it!

Title: Re: Resurgence
Post by: J3E125 on 2011-09-02, 22:25
 Did I mention its a q3 mod? :)