Title: Registration Problems Post by: Phoenix on 2014-04-11, 02:57 It's come to my attention that people have been trying, unsuccessfully, to register on the message board. A few weeks ago I discovered a problem in the email system for the site, and I think it's preventing people from activating once they register. If you've tried to register unsuccessfully, please send me a note to
phoenix wireheadstudios com with your desired username and email address and I'll register you and send you back a password which you can change once you're logged in. Fill in the "at" and "dot" in the appropriate places of course. Sorry for not providing a direct link, but I don't feel like getting spammed, and sorry for the inconvenience. Title: Re: Registration Problems Post by: MadTux on 2014-04-23, 12:29 Has the image gallery got the same problem? Or does it just take a while for it to register?
Title: Re: Registration Problems Post by: Phoenix on 2014-04-23, 17:16 The gallery uses the same email function, so it's probably borked too. I'll set you up a login and password. You don't need to log in to view the gallery though, only to comment and vote.