Title: Earth Soldiers Ready For Action Post by: Phoenix on 2020-02-22, 09:04 (http://www.wireheadstudios.org/phoenix/pics/test_shots/earth_crew.jpg)
Full Size (http://www.wireheadstudios.org/phoenix/pics/test_shots/earth_crew.jpg) The Earth Soldiers are ready for action. All four player models now have a full set of animations and are ready to rock and roll! Work now begins on the second Generation, the Doom Warriors. Title: Re: Earth Soldiers Ready For Action Post by: KAIL333XZ on 2020-02-23, 23:29 Nice work there! Now I'm really hoping, that the Generations Arena 1.0 is pretty close to release. I mean it could be released in a year. But, well, you can take all the time you need. :)
Title: Re: Earth Soldiers Ready For Action Post by: Footman on 2020-02-24, 15:11 Lookin' good.
Title: Re: Earth Soldiers Ready For Action Post by: ~Va^^pyrA~ on 2020-02-26, 02:09 Now we can have a team with eight gats going at once! :biggun:
Title: Re: Earth Soldiers Ready For Action Post by: Phoenix on 2020-02-26, 06:24 :?: :( O_o :wtf: :omfg:
Title: Re: Earth Soldiers Ready For Action Post by: scalliano on 2020-02-28, 01:43 Holy actual shit :doom_love:
Title: Re: Earth Soldiers Ready For Action Post by: Makou on 2020-02-29, 16:11 "Eight gats at once" sounds like four unfortunate BFG drops to me... :doomed:
Title: Re: Earth Soldiers Ready For Action Post by: Angst on 2020-03-03, 20:19 Quote "Eight gats at once" sounds like four unfortunate BFG drops to me... Doomed XD :doom_thumb: Title: Re: Earth Soldiers Ready For Action Post by: Phoenix on 2020-03-04, 02:00 :bfg:
:bfg: :bfg: :bfg: Title: Re: Earth Soldiers Ready For Action Post by: Xypher on 2020-04-08, 19:03 Octogats sounds like a fun boss fight XD
Title: Re: Earth Soldiers Ready For Action Post by: Phoenix on 2020-04-08, 23:26 It also sounds like a good nickname for a Mecha-Cthulhu. :doom_love: