Title: Great Moments in Quake History Post by: Phoenix on 2023-06-01, 14:04 This is kind of like a small place to brag about any insane feats you may have pulled off or witnessed. Today I was running around The Bad Place in Generations. I had spawned as a Doom Warrior. I had tanked up on health and armor, I got the Quad, and just as I tried to drop down onto the lower catwalk I missed and dove right into the lava. With nothing to lose I swam up and fired a rocket down, hoping to at least end it quickly, and I Quad Rocket-Jumped out of the lava and right up onto the catwalk! I still had 60 health and about the same armor, and I got several frags on the bots with that Quad. :!:
Title: Re: Great Moments in Quake History Post by: Thomas Mink on 2023-06-01, 15:53 I remember, way back, at least one person asked me why I didn't use fog of death instead of lava.. to sort of 'update' the map a bit more to a Q3 aesthetic or whatever. My reasoning was that, as rare as it is to likely happen, the lava IS escapable at times. Whereas the fog is not.
This is the second time I've heard of it.. but even just one makes me glad I didn't use the FoD. :) :slippy_thumb: |