Title: TradeWars2002 Post by: [WaRdeN] on 2003-10-02, 21:07 For those that have never played, it's an old BBS door game, Space RPG.
Telnet to and join Dicion and I for a little game. One of these days I would like to make a 3D version of this. Freelancer style Title: Re: TradeWars2002 Post by: Angst on 2003-10-03, 00:45 any particular port?
Title: Re: TradeWars2002 Post by: OoBeY on 2003-10-03, 02:02 Connecting To not open a connection to host on port 23 : Connect failed
Title: Re: TradeWars2002 Post by: [WaRdeN] on 2003-10-03, 03:18 Alright, i'll set it up tomorrow. After Dicion died I took it down. Didn't think people would want to play.
Telnet port 23 i think Title: Re: TradeWars2002 Post by: OoBeY on 2003-10-03, 03:23 alright, we should coordinate times to play.
Title: Re: TradeWars2002 Post by: [WaRdeN] on 2003-10-03, 13:44 I should be on all day today, dicion should be on until late as well.
Title: Re: TradeWars2002 Post by: [WaRdeN] on 2003-10-03, 14:20 Game has been banged.
Notice a few planet changes as well as a new ship class. Game is set at 100 days old to start. Title: Re: TradeWars2002 Post by: OoBeY on 2003-10-03, 17:47 Awesome, I'll be on this as soon as I get home (should be 'round 3 pm CST)
Title: Re: TradeWars2002 Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-10-03, 23:08 Awww, only one connection allowed per IP address =(
Title: Re: TradeWars2002 Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-10-06, 19:13 Suggested rules for next game.... a penalty for destroying a persons space pod!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: TradeWars2002 Post by: Angst on 2003-10-06, 19:55 hehe, naughty ward?
Title: Re: TradeWars2002 Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-10-07, 02:09 naughty doc wilco
Title: Re: TradeWars2002 Post by: Angst on 2003-10-07, 02:22 haha, eeevil
I'm really interested in trying to get a group together to make a tradewars/freelancer game done right.. Title: Re: TradeWars2002 Post by: [WaRdeN] on 2003-10-09, 17:19 Good learning game for everyone.
Here were the final scores after Corp #1 took over ferrengal and owned 99% of the Universe. # Rank Alignment Corp Trader Name Ship Type --- --------------------- -- ------------------------------ ------------------ 1 57,849 -614,912 1 WaRdeN Galaxy Cruiser 2 6,694 -3,561 ** dicion # Ship Destroyed # 3 4,066 1,786 2 oobey # Ship Destroyed # 4 2,889 503 2 Phil # Ship Destroyed # 5 1,812 24 5 p24t StarMaster 6 1,429 1,000 ** angst CargoTran 7 1,012 2,638 2 Lilazkicked # Ship Destroyed # 8 1,009 634 2 Buck Rogers # Ship Destroyed # 9 952 0 2 Demonwench # Ship Destroyed # 10 862 0 ** Lyfer Merchant Cruiser 11 563 0 ** Lyfe Merchant Cruiser 12 480 -10 4 Yicklepigeon # Ship Destroyed # 13 384 -770 ** DocWilco Havoc GunStar 14 327 1 5 Gort Colonial Transport 15 18 0 ** Redship Rory Scout Marauder 16 0 0 ** Deltron Merchant Cruiser 17 0 0 ** Tekhead Merchant Cruiser 18 0 0 ** Gk Merchant Cruiser We will be starting the King of the Hill match TODAY, which is a little early. So stay tuned. Title: Re: TradeWars2002 Post by: Angst on 2003-10-09, 18:07 king of the hill? O.o