Wirehead Studios

Wirehead Modifications => Generations Arena => Topic started by: MasterOfPuppets on 2003-10-15, 04:07

Title: Generations Clans? (are there any out there?)
Post by: MasterOfPuppets on 2003-10-15, 04:07
are there any Generations Clans out there? I just wondered because my Quake 3 Arena clan is gonna be expanding into a Generations Clan :D

Title: Re: Generations Clans?
Post by: Tekhead on 2003-10-15, 05:12
You're welcome to challenge any of us at WHS  :evil:

Title: Re: Generations Clans?
Post by: l4mby on 2003-10-15, 05:19
LOL ! The WHS clan. Scary thought. Sorry, but it makes me laugh. =P

Title: Re: Generations Clans?
Post by: Angst on 2003-10-15, 06:07
ph34r t3h WireHead Squad!

Title: Re: Generations Clans?
Post by: Phoenix on 2003-10-15, 06:10
Well if some people (ConfusedUs) would carry their MMA tag like they're supposed to there is the remnant of MMA which includes myself, Con, Lilazzkicker, and Reboot.  Pretty much it's whoever idles in #wirehead, but any Generations clan is always welcome to join us for some friendly chat and, more importantly, Generations games!

Be sure to drop by #wirehead on irc.enterthegame.com, or even better, irc.wireheadstudios.org!

Title: Re: Generations Clans?
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-10-15, 07:02
I've rarely worn my clan tag in IRC, even at the height of MMA.

But I always use the tag in Gen games. I don't in RA3 because there's no one else that plays ra3 in MMA. No point in it. ;)

Title: Re: Generations Clans?
Post by: Angst on 2003-10-15, 17:39
oh yeah.. tags.. heh *wonders where he stuck those configs*

Title: Re: Generations Clans?
Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-10-15, 18:03
We don't need no stinking tags!

I already have 2 of em.....

Title: Re: Generations Clans?
Post by: Angst on 2003-10-15, 18:23
heh, funny how that works :P

Title: Re: Generations Clans?
Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2003-10-15, 18:45
I'm my own clan  :evil:

That doesn't mean I'm very good though. :D

I guess you could call my LAN buddies and I a clan though we don't really play that often and none of them play Generations.  :angry:

I'll gladly join  WHS or MMA though :P

Title: Re: Generations Clans?
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-10-15, 20:33
Sure thing

WHS isn't an official clan, it's just a tag that the dev group puts on from time to time when playing.

But as the only remaining co-leader of MMA, I'd be more than happy to invite you all to join.

#clan_mma on irc.enterthegame.com
#clan_mma on irc.wireheadstudios.net

Title: Re: Generations Clans?
Post by: ReBoOt on 2003-10-15, 21:11
Hehe yea we could need some "fresh blood" (or it is fresh meat?) in MMA ;)

Title: Re: Generations Clans?
Post by: Angst on 2003-10-16, 04:23

Title: Re: Generations Clans?
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-10-16, 05:10
In fact, I could probably host a MMA forum and site if anyone was interested...

Title: Re: Generations Clans?
Post by: ReBoOt on 2003-10-16, 19:59
Sure a new MMA forum whould be awsome, tho still we need ppls to post there or else it's pretty useless :)

Title: Re: Generations Clans?
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-10-16, 20:50
I'll try to whip up a quick MMA site and stuff, and I'm sure that a MMA forum on here wouldn't hurt for a temporary position.

We could get together and have inter-clan matches and stuff. Might be fun. ;)

Title: Re: Generations Clans?
Post by: ReBoOt on 2003-10-16, 23:45
Sure was sometime since i played aginst yall, i think i'll join the US Gen game this saturday been way to long since i got owned by that wicked bird and the mean green yoda machine ;) (yes ppls con and pho is very good at gen)

Title: Re: Generations Clans?
Post by: Tekhead on 2003-10-23, 14:51

In that case, remind me to be there as well  :D

Title: Re: Generations Clans?
Post by: Angst on 2003-10-23, 15:58
Con.. That.. Would.. Rock.. :D

Title: Re: Generations Clans?
Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-10-23, 20:25
would be nice!