Wirehead Studios

Wirehead Modifications => Generations Arena => Topic started by: FluSyndrome on 2003-10-25, 02:52

Title: What's wrong with this picture :-(
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2003-10-25, 02:52
I am running a PIV-1.8Ghz with 512 RAM and a gforce3 ti-500 and I am using hunkmegs of 128 in a batch file to start the game, it runs perfect but gives me 0 score till the end of the game, so I never really know what my score is until the end of the game.
In the screenshot I wsa using the name Newb and I had 5 frags, yet it appears as 0.

Also, I was playing at random class and was using slippy at the time, I killed the arena bot and it gave up an RL, but I saw it as an arena RL, I picked it up and it converted my slippy to an arena warrior. It has only happened once and when I died I went back to random fine.

Is something deteriorating? Or is it just a memmory problem?

This is how I start the game:  quake3.exe +set fs_game generations +set com_hunkmegs 128 +devmap sphinks

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture :-(
Post by: MrMaddog on 2003-10-25, 17:12
It's a known glitch, just press your scoreboard key and it shows your actual score.

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture :-(
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2003-10-25, 19:03
You right!


Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture :-(
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-10-26, 07:18
You'll also find that if you're spectating someone. Your score will show up the same as the person you're tracking.

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture :-(
Post by: Angst on 2003-10-26, 21:00
yup, I think it's being looked at, but it IS a known issue.

Title: Re: What's wrong with this picture :-(
Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-10-27, 06:44
bug reports need to go in the bug report forums, but good catch!