Title: Dear Apple, Post by: OoBeY on 2003-10-25, 20:27 I am sorry for the mean things I said about you. I think your iTunes program is very nice. Also, I have always secretly liked the look of your OSes.
Will you be my friend? CHECK ONE Yes / No Title: Re: Dear Apple, Post by: Woodsman on 2003-10-26, 04:39 Really guys its time to move beyond this anti apple bais. Yes and one time thier hardware was weak and faggy looking but those days are gone. if i had the money to buy one of the new power macs i would only use my pc for gaming. the war is over its time to move on.
Title: Re: Dear Apple, Post by: Phoenix on 2003-10-26, 05:31 As if the G5 being hyped as the "fastest computer in the world" is forgivable? I'll forgive Nvidia for letting ATI take over the #1 spot in the graphics market first...
Title: Re: Dear Apple, Post by: Angst on 2003-10-26, 06:02 *snicker* that is to say, a cold day in hell? :P
I personally don't see the appeal of an apple desktop, they tend to be horribly overpriced for the usage. On the other hand, if I get a laptop, it's most likely going to be an apple. Title: Re: Dear Apple, Post by: OoBeY on 2003-10-26, 06:13 I must concur with phoenix, I do think Apple needs to stop pretending the G5 is the WORLDS ONLY 64-BIT DESKTOP, as though the Athlon64 is some sort of communal hallucination on the part of the pc crowd. And as with angst, while I probably wouldn't get an apple desktop any time soon, an apple laptop would be pretty cool...
EDIT: Also the iPod is easily $100 more expensive than it needs to be. Title: Re: Dear Apple, Post by: WolfCub on 2003-10-26, 14:32 Apples are cool, my sister has a Mac with OS X and she loves it and I love it, theyre really fun to use, not as fun as SuSE Linux, but MUCH more fun than my Windows XP partition. Se says she'll never by a Windows computer again. One you go Mac, you ain't goin back =P
Title: Re: Dear Apple, Post by: Woodsman on 2003-10-26, 15:57 oob the G5 may not be the only 64 bit desktop cpu but right now its looks like its the only one worth buying. till some real 64 bit aps come out i dont see the athlon 64 as anything impressive.
Title: Re: Dear Apple, Post by: OoBeY on 2003-10-26, 17:54 well woods that is an inherent problem in the pc world. All apple has to do is say jump and bam they've got a 64-bit OS and programs for it etc etc. In the PC world, no one can really dictate changes, the entire community has to slowly move towards it... It's alot like 3d acceleration, when the first cards came out, absolutely nothing supported it really, but hell now look at the industry.
Title: Re: Dear Apple, Post by: Angst on 2003-10-26, 18:21 wolf: it's easy to go back if you play games :P
not a big market for mac's there.. :b Title: Re: Dear Apple, Post by: WolfCub on 2003-10-27, 03:35 I mostly use Linux and all of the games I play work on it, and my sister has games she likes for Mac. Mac isn't a bad gaming system, it has a fair number of fun games like Linux does and Quake runs on it so were good to go :)
Title: Re: Dear Apple, Post by: Tekhead on 2003-10-27, 05:40 The macs do look very, very slick. However, I'd rather get another quarter of college done than pay for one G5 :P