Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: crazy.joe on 2003-11-02, 23:52

Title: Observative (Looking for a sigificant other?)
Post by: crazy.joe on 2003-11-02, 23:52
http://www.observative.com (http://www.observative.com)

Video Games is soon to be a category to search in. (Its a hotornot/ftj clone)

It has a unique twist to it though. I'll let you find out what it is. :-)
Why did I post this in here? Because often gamers are looking for other games to play with or the sex of their choice for a relationship. Gamers need a Gamer significant other.

Me: http://www.observative.com/profile.php?use...ername=crazyjoe (http://www.observative.com/profile.php?username=crazyjoe)

Title: Re: Observative
Post by: OoBeY on 2003-11-03, 03:33
Hmmmmm. I may just be being paranoid here, but a part of me doesn't really like this topic. You're very new here and this seems suspiciously like an ad of sorts. Generally most people don't really link to anything but funny stuff or whathaveyou.

Someone else speak up, maybe I'm just being a paranoid ass...

Title: Re: Observative
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-11-03, 04:28
You're a paranoid ass. ;)

Title: Re: Observative
Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-11-03, 04:43
Paranoid ass!

Title: Re: Observative
Post by: Angst on 2003-11-03, 05:48
:blink: holy @#$% dude, you're in point?!

that's like.. 20-45 minutes from here (depending on adherence to speed-limit) :P

Title: Re: Observative
Post by: crazy.joe on 2003-11-03, 06:08
Where do you live?

Title: Re: Observative
Post by: Dicion on 2003-11-03, 17:08
obviously 25-40 minutes away, duh :P

Title: Re: Observative
Post by: Phoenix on 2003-11-04, 22:24
3 out of 3 Wirehead members polled agree that Oobey is a Paranoid Ass™  :D

Title: Re: Observative
Post by: Woodsman on 2003-11-05, 05:41
well i dont know how paranoid he is but ill concur with the ass point.

Title: Re: Observative
Post by: Vadertime on 2003-11-11, 03:51
Wow, that's what a lot of people I know say about me. Somehow I think the world has gotten a whole lot smaller. Maybe someday there won't be any "strangers" left. The web and cell phones help, but anybody can be nosy.

Title: Re: Observative
Post by: Tabun on 2003-11-11, 11:49
How is he paranoid? I just loaded that site and blam, six viruses jumped on my harddisk and erased all my good porno, leaving only the bad acne cold daylight stuff.. I tell ya, this shite's evil! Also, I ran into a picture of my ex, or maybe it wasn't her, but someone trying to be her just to piss me off, or perhaps not. I don't know, all I know is I didn't like it. Is anyone calling me? The phone has been ringing for days on end and I'm really not sure whether to disconnect it or pick it up..
Now where's my anti-abduction foil gone?