Title: Which Flame Warrior are You? (Repost from 2 years ago.) Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-11-11, 02:37 Which flame warrior are you?
http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame1.html (http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame1.html) I nominate GamesKeeper as Garble (http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame80.html) Title: Re: Which Flame Warrior are You? Post by: Vadertime on 2003-11-11, 03:35 That sounds about right. I suppose I must be Hothead. It doesn't help that I've got no car, no job, very little money, and attract unwanted attention and scrutiny like a porchlight attracts bugs. It seems like it doesn't take much to make a huge bonfire. Would you like any more botfiles? I made some new ones that should fit with generations. The Obliterator using the grunt model and Mars using the DOOM model.
Title: Re: Which Flame Warrior are You? Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-11-11, 03:37 Ask Phoenix. He's the one who deals with that kind of thing.
And I'm going to be a nanny (http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame12.html) and warn you not to post off topic. :offtopic Title: Re: Which Flame Warrior are You? Post by: OoBeY on 2003-11-11, 05:09 hmmmm wonder what I am... lemme check the list.
P.S. If anyone says Acne, I will kill you. Title: Re: Which Flame Warrior are You? Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-11-11, 05:20 Just as I was typing it. ;)
Title: Re: Which Flame Warrior are You? Post by: OoBeY on 2003-11-11, 05:26 Ah, there's none that really fit by themselves. I figure I'm an amalgamtion of about three or four of them...
Title: Re: Which Flame Warrior are You? Post by: Demonwench on 2003-11-12, 05:47 I hear ya...I can't find one label to suit me.
Title: Re: Which Flame Warrior are You? Post by: games keeper on 2003-11-12, 14:05 how come they have a picture of me and a complete description of me :huh: :huh:
Title: Re: Which Flame Warrior are You? Post by: Woodsman on 2003-11-12, 16:03 no dought about it im an evil clown. oh and by the way 14mby and demon wench are cyber sisters.
Title: Re: Which Flame Warrior are You? Post by: l4mby on 2003-11-12, 18:31 Haha ! We can be I spose. But I wouldn't say that we're like that 100% of the time. =P Chicks stick together, what can I say ? But most of the time we just like to play around and are cute little kittens. Think cute cuddly kittens. =P
As far as which one I am, I've never been able to find one that fits me perfectly. I'm a few characteristics of several different ones. Ah well. Title: Re: Which Flame Warrior are You? Post by: dev/null on 2003-11-12, 23:31 I suppose, if I had to pick one, I'm this one (http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame16.html)
Title: Re: Which Flame Warrior are You? Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-11-13, 00:01 Indeed. ;)
Title: Re: Which Flame Warrior are You? Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-11-13, 22:19 Since its more fun to poke fun at others than it is at yourself.
I hereby proclaim Phoenix to be: http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame63.html (http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame63.html) and http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame37.html (http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame37.html) Title: Re: Which Flame Warrior are You? Post by: Woolie Wool on 2003-12-07, 05:06 I'm an ideological Deacon sometimes with a bit of Ferrous Cranus and Profundus Maximus (I occaisonally enter the battle outgunned, but sooner or later I concede if I've been owned. I fight pretty tenaciously).
I also found a similar page at http://www.somethingawful.com/articles.php?a=61 (http://www.somethingawful.com/articles.php?a=61) |