Title: Congratulations Oobey (on your awesome SAT scores) Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-11-19, 23:59 [17:58] <+oobey-laptop> SAT SCORES V(760) M(740) Total(1500)
That's a damn nice score there oob. GO GRAB SOME SCHOLARSHIPS! Title: Re: Congratulations Oobey Post by: OoBeY on 2003-11-20, 00:34 Awwww shucks. Thanks Con!
Title: Re: Congratulations Oobey Post by: Demonwench on 2003-11-20, 04:42 1500?? You GO boy! You realize that 1500 is near genius level... '-)
Title: Re: Congratulations Oobey Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2003-11-20, 05:25 !? 1500? On the first try???? :thud: Cripes! Congratulations :thumb: You should have no problem snagging scholarships. Best of luck to you. :D
Title: Re: Congratulations Oobey Post by: McDeth on 2003-12-08, 06:31 Congrats Oob. I know this is a bit belated, but what I have to say belongs here. So here you have it...
My Score :1500 We're like....twins! Title: Re: Congratulations Oobey Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2003-12-08, 06:50 My post above belongs to you too Daman. Cripes. Good job. :thumb:
Title: Re: Congratulations Oobey Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-12-08, 07:42 Quote from: DaMan McDeth 666 Congrats Oob. I know this is a bit belated, but what I have to say belongs here. So here you have it... oh dear lord there's two of them! ;) :omfg:My Score :1500 We're like....twins! Title: Re: Congratulations Oobey Post by: McDeth on 2003-12-09, 05:27 I studied my damn ass off. I'll bet OoB didn't even have too...
Title: Re: Congratulations Oobey Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-12-09, 05:42 Regardless of how much you studied or didn't study, a congrats is in order. ;)
Title: Re: Congratulations Oobey Post by: McDeth on 2003-12-10, 06:18 /me simply shutsup and takes the compliment...
Title: Re: Congratulations Oobey Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-12-10, 06:59 Good call