Title: Man, just for the record Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-11-21, 04:42 Being sick SUCKS.
2 days ago it was fever yesterday it was headache today my stomach is doing more contortions than an epileptic mime. :( Title: Re: Man, just for the record Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-11-21, 05:14 UHG :(
get better! soon! Title: Re: Man, just for the record Post by: Demonwench on 2003-11-21, 05:42 POor Con... I for one don't get flu.
Title: Re: Man, just for the record Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-11-21, 05:43 I dunno what this is, doesn't seem like flu.
Oh well. Thanks for the support. :) Title: Re: Man, just for the record Post by: Footman on 2003-11-21, 06:09 Is Gina gonna go out and get you OJ again? ;)
Title: Re: Man, just for the record Post by: l4mby on 2003-11-21, 06:58 lol ... that's great, an epileptic mime. rofl.
Anyways, hope you get to feeling better con. Being sick always sucks. Trust me, I know this. I need to be careful now tho ... when I get sick, it takes me FOREVER to get over it. gg diabetes ! *hands con some chicken soup* Title: Re: Man, just for the record Post by: dna on 2003-11-21, 15:23 Ebola.
Title: Re: Man, just for the record Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2003-11-21, 16:21 Meh... Who needs real chicken soup?
/me hands Con a case full of chicken-flavored ramen. :D Title: Re: Man, just for the record Post by: Tekhead on 2003-11-21, 18:35 In sickness and in health....
(put your woman to work ;p) <3 |