Title: Mozilla Firebird (Get it, use it, love it) Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-11-21, 05:59 Firebird blows IE out of the water. Tabbed browsing, automatic popup blocker, built in google searchbar, skinnable, and there's about 130 extentions to do whatever you want, or you can write your own.
http://texturizer.net/firebird/index.html (http://texturizer.net/firebird/index.html) I recommend the Tabbrowser Extentions and the Click for Flash extention. Title: Re: Mozilla Firebird Post by: dna on 2003-11-21, 15:22 Not to get into a big discussion about if it's better or not, but IE6 actually seems speedier to me.
May Bill put in a extra "feature" to retard Netscape? Title: Re: Mozilla Firebird Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-11-21, 21:06 It takes an extra 2 or 3 seconds to load on my computer, true.
But its worth it. I love the browser. It takes a bit of getting used to, but it's awesome. Title: Re: Mozilla Firebird Post by: OoBeY on 2003-11-22, 04:07 Tempting, but I've gotten to know IE over the years, and don't feel like learning a new browser, and more importantly, if the fighting between WMP, QT, and RealOne is an indication, I don't even want to know what will happen if I try to get windows to accept a third party browser.
Title: Re: Mozilla Firebird Post by: dna on 2003-11-22, 04:54 Actually, I was surprised at how easy it was to manage the two. You just have to uncheck the boxes that ask to let them be the default browser. Pick one and stick with it, though you can always use the other by design if you choose.
I still say it's just plain slower even while browsing. Title: Re: Mozilla Firebird Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-11-22, 06:22 It runs fine for me. It takes about 3 seconds longer to load than IE on initial load, but is not slow at all in loading pages or surfing. It runs like a breeze, rarely crashes, hides those annoying flash ads, and blocks popups. I love it!
Title: Re: Mozilla Firebird Post by: Phoenix on 2003-11-22, 06:58 I know I'll be using it soon enough. As for things loading fast/slow in IE, there are some registry tweaks you can do to improve your data rate. I don't know what they are for 2000/XP, but for 98 I went in, hacked the registry, and my maxrate went from 80kb/s to over 300. I can also run 6 or more streams to a server as opposed to the normal "2" that's standard. Pages load damned fast for me with IE right now. If Firebird is a hair slower I'll give up some speed for increased stability and the ability to run javascript without popups.
Title: Re: Mozilla Firebird Post by: McDeth on 2003-11-22, 07:36 It absolutely rules. I can't thank Con enough for pointing me in the right direction.
Title: Re: Mozilla Firebird Post by: dna on 2003-11-22, 14:27 I haven't had pop-ups since I started using Zone Alarm.
I mean. hey, you need a fire wall anyway... And IE has been pretty stable for me with 2000 and XP (more so wih 2000 - XP still feels like they're using me for beta testing). I dunno, Mozilla has some interesting features, but the main reason I am starting to use it would be the supposed better security. Otherwise, it wouldn't matter to me at all. Title: Re: Mozilla Firebird Post by: OoBeY on 2003-11-22, 21:39 Ok this is pretty cool.
Title: Re: Mozilla Firebird Post by: WolfCub on 2003-11-24, 02:22 I use Mozilla the most, blows everything else away. I also have FireBird, but I like regular Mozilla better. On my Linux drive, I have Konqueror, Galeon, and Opera as well as the rest. Mozilla still beats them all. 1.6B is out on the FTP, go get it!
Title: Re: Mozilla Firebird Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2003-11-24, 06:19 I like what I've seen so far. The speed seems pretty decent too. I think the way it caches files is a bit clunky though. It's nice that they included a cache explorer command, but I think it's rather pointless to make me re-download a large animation file or movie when it's already cached on my hard drive. Eh that's just me though. I love Flash animation and I always burn my favorites to CD.
Title: Re: Mozilla Firebird Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-11-24, 15:59 It seems to work ok, but I need to snag the plugins.