Title: Private Headers (What exactly...) Post by: dna on 2003-11-22, 20:30 Browsing thru the Sheilds Up (http://grc.com/x/ne.dll?rh1dkyd2) Page wanting to learn more about private headers. I'm looking at this explanation, but I'm not entirely sure what it is saying. I understand what is going on, but the page is unclear as to what initiating the header exchange. I had assumed that the server your browser is trying to reach is requesting this info, yes? And your browser is just answering the questions posed to it? This page makes it look as if my browser is initiating this exchange with just whatever info it wants. Well, if that's the case, how do I edit this? Is there a way to limit/tell your browser to say something, or can you control that from the server? Or is this just one of those holes you can't do anything about?
Title: Re: Private Headers Post by: Tabun on 2003-11-23, 03:36 The link above won't work, 'reloading' is supressed. Private Headers doesn't ring a bell, but referer headers do. But servers don't really asked questionsin this case, your browser spits these out itself (especially if you're using the dreaded M$ IE).
Title: Re: Private Headers Post by: dna on 2003-11-23, 04:18 OK, yes, that sounds like the same thing.
What initiates this? The browser just decides to spit it out by itself? Nothing requests the info? If the server doesn't want it, why is the browser giving it out? Obviously the server is using the info contianed - what repercussions are there if your browser no longer gives them out? And is it possible to code a web page that states it doesn't want them? Title: Re: Private Headers Post by: dna on 2003-11-23, 04:25 Here is an example of my header output:
Code: Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif My browser states it will accept image/jpeg. Does that mean it will NOT accept .jpg? Or is the browser smart enough to know that? |