Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Phoenix on 2003-11-23, 09:39

Title: Christmas Carols (Gen-style!)
Post by: Phoenix on 2003-11-23, 09:39
This was inspired by a little discussion we had over the mortar shell after tonight's forum game.  :D

Rudolph the red-tipped mortar shell
Had a very shiny tip
And if you ever saw it
It would shortly make you gib
All of the other rockets
Used to laugh and call it names
They'd never let poor Rudolph
Get inside effective range
Then one foggy Christmas eve
LeeMon came to say
Phoenix, with your coding might
Won't you enhance it's radius tonight
Then all the other players
Cringed and ran so frightfully
Rudolph's increased splash damage
Gibbed them so efficiently!

This has been a Phoenix Song Break™

Title: Re: Christmas Carols
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-11-23, 09:45
Good song pho! ;) :lol:

Title: Re: Christmas Carols
Post by: Demonwench on 2003-11-23, 16:10
LOL!!  Brilliant!  Pho's a song writer too.  Is there anything that bird can't do?

Title: Re: Christmas Carols
Post by: Woodsman on 2003-11-23, 18:24
woodsman the red nosed scotsman had a very frosty beer , and if you ever stole it he would kick you in the rear.

Title: Re: Christmas Carols
Post by: games keeper on 2003-11-23, 18:32
I for 1 think it easy to frag with mortr , my victem always runs against the flying mortar themself ,  I will call no names (jaq )

Title: Re: Christmas Carols
Post by: l4mby on 2003-11-23, 19:46
Hehe ... yeah, pho was on a role last night. It was great.

*pats pho and tosses him a pomegranite*