Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: crazy.joe on 2003-11-24, 23:50

Title: Guess Who's Back? (Back again...)
Post by: crazy.joe on 2003-11-24, 23:50
OK, I hate Eminem.

But, I got my i-net hooked up and whatnot. I moved. I'll be fully participating in a day or two again. :thumb:

Title: Re: Guess Who's Back?
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-11-24, 23:58
Welcome back!

I was afraid you were one of those 'here for a bit, then gone'  people we run across from time to time

Title: Re: Guess Who's Back?
Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-11-25, 00:25
Welcome back!

Title: Re: Guess Who's Back?
Post by: Footman on 2003-11-25, 00:53
Quote from: ConfusedUs
I was afraid you were one of those 'here for a bit, then gone'  people we run across from time to time
Like Grunt was? ;)

Title: Re: Guess Who's Back?
Post by: Phoenix on 2003-11-25, 01:11
That's why I spawn a Grunt bot into my converted Railgun 101 once in a while and rail the crap out of him.  :evil:

Welcome back!

Title: Re: Guess Who's Back?
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-11-25, 01:13
Quote from: Phoenix
That's why I spawn a Grunt bot into my converted Railgun 101 once in a while and rail the crap out of him.  :evil:

Welcome back!
Vindictive, are we?

Title: Re: Guess Who's Back?
Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-11-25, 02:56
Personaly, I would go with yes.

Title: Re: Guess Who's Back?
Post by: Tekhead on 2003-11-25, 19:35
Awesome! Welcome back :)

Title: Re: Guess Who's Back?
Post by: l4mby on 2003-11-25, 19:52
Pho ? Vindictive ? Nah ... never ... *evil grin*

wewt fer internet ! WB !

And Karen was another one of those. Bummer.

Title: Re: Guess Who's Back?
Post by: dev/null on 2003-11-25, 20:01
At least I wasn't one, huh? Who would you guys get to spew mindless dribble if I was absent, huh? Obviously Games Keeper is high on that list, but I refuse to be compared to him, as I think my grasp of the English language is quite a bit above par ;)

Title: Re: Guess Who's Back?
Post by: ReBoOt on 2003-11-26, 00:17
cool WB crazy!