Title: Super Mario 3 Speed Run (11minutes, 2 seconds) Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-11-25, 01:03 Saw this in the shacknews comments today, and damn if it isn't insane.
http://home.megapass.co.kr/~kys706700/moSMB3.wmv (http://home.megapass.co.kr/~kys706700/moSMB3.wmv) Also pulls of 84 extra men in the first two maps of world 8, just by bouncing on enemies. Title: Re: Super Mario 3 Speed Run Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2003-11-25, 04:00 I've never used this phrase before, but I think it's highly appropriate for the situation... SWEET MONKEY JESUS!
I played Super Mario Bros. 3 for about 2 straight years of my life and could never do a single percent of what that guy can do... o.O Thanks for forwarding the link Con, I learned something interesting that I want to try out now in the remake of SMB 3. I've never tried crouch-flying with the racoon leaf or the tanooki suit. I'll have to do that. :D Title: Re: Super Mario 3 Speed Run Post by: Footman on 2003-11-25, 04:16 You didn't know about crouth flying? I use it alot, mainly to stop that annoying fluttering tail sound. <_<
Title: Re: Super Mario 3 Speed Run Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-11-25, 06:20 Lol, that vid rocked.
Title: Re: Super Mario 3 Speed Run Post by: l4mby on 2003-11-25, 07:01 Ah, reminds me of the one done w/ Super Mario Bros 1. That one was insane as well. o.o
Title: Re: Super Mario 3 Speed Run Post by: Thomas Mink on 2003-11-25, 21:52 Ok... people have WAY too much time on their hands... but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't worth it.
As for the Super Mario Bros. 1 video... if you have a link, please post. :) I wanna see it. ;D Title: Re: Super Mario 3 Speed Run Post by: l4mby on 2003-11-25, 23:16 I'll see if my friend still has the link. I'll get back to you on that one.
Title: Re: Super Mario 3 Speed Run Post by: l4mby on 2003-12-02, 20:57 As I had promised ... Here is the Super Mario 1 (http://www.pepzi.net/dscorigaudio.avi) thingy I was talking about. Enjoy.
Title: Re: Super Mario 3 Speed Run Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2003-12-05, 09:43 Quote from: l4mby As I had promised ... Here is the Super Mario 1 (http://www.pepzi.net/dscorigaudio.avi) thingy I was talking about. Enjoy. :hail: /me bows down to the mighty forum regs, bringers of the coveted, console-game trick videos.Title: Re: Super Mario 3 Speed Run Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-12-05, 10:30 You're becoming quite the forum reg yourself. Keep it up, and visit the chat room more often!
Title: Re: Super Mario 3 Speed Run Post by: Tekhead on 2003-12-21, 18:52 (
100% UNDENIABLE PROOF that the 11 minute Mario 3 video is FAKE :( Title: Re: Super Mario 3 Speed Run Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2003-12-21, 23:01 Quote from: Tekhead ( Yes, I too found this out recently. It's still an amazing video to watch none-the-less. The amount of effort the guy put into the video is insane so I can respect that at least. :P100% UNDENIABLE PROOF that the 11 minute Mario 3 video is FAKE :( Title: Re: Super Mario 3 Speed Run Post by: Dicion on 2003-12-22, 16:26 so what about the smb1 one??
Is that real??? It looks real because he was showing off it seemed.... Title: Re: Super Mario 3 Speed Run Post by: Thomas Mink on 2003-12-22, 17:03 Showing off isn't enough to describe that one... I think it'd have been much better if just went and ran through the levels instead of standing around showing off the whole time.
Title: Re: Super Mario 3 Speed Run Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-12-24, 16:21 Too bad it was fake...sniff sniff.... :(
Title: Re: Super Mario 3 Speed Run Post by: games keeper on 2003-12-25, 11:41 if you know its a fake and you watch the movie again you will see some jumps tha where to low to kill the monster and should have killed him .
Title: Re: Super Mario 3 Speed Run Post by: Tekhead on 2003-12-25, 18:57 I think the smb1 was fake too... it even shows proof of the emulator being used towards the end.
Cool, but fake :thumb: Title: Re: Super Mario 3 Speed Run Post by: Angst on 2003-12-26, 00:33 Most of those jumps that were "too low" were using the fireball exploit, if you used the firepower at exactly the right time, you'd "jump on" the enemy. I think it had something to do with invulnerability due to animation or something.