Title: Why I Like Miniguns (minigun? wassat?) Post by: Thomas Mink on 2003-11-25, 08:52 http://www.montysminiguns.com/miniofthemonthvideo.mpg (http://www.montysminiguns.com/miniofthemonthvideo.mpg)
Nuff said. I'd kill to fire off one of these things... I mean, wow... @_@ *Video is 1.77MB... just an FYI Title: Re: Why I Like Miniguns Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-11-25, 09:00 Daaaaammmmmnnnn
Title: Re: Why I Like Miniguns Post by: Phoenix on 2003-11-25, 09:53 Groovy! :rockon: :biggun:
Title: Re: Why I Like Miniguns Post by: Angst on 2003-11-25, 16:44 mmm... out of ammo :P :evil:
Title: Re: Why I Like Miniguns Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-11-25, 23:57 If you're the badguy, and the goodguys have one of those, pray you have a lot of minions. A lot.
Title: Re: Why I Like Miniguns Post by: Phoenix on 2003-11-26, 06:05 More fun with miniguns!
BB minigun! http://www.pipersprecisionproducts.com/ima...teel%20mini.MPG (http://www.pipersprecisionproducts.com/images/MVC-steel%20mini.MPG) Shoulder-fired BB minigun! http://www.montysminiguns.com/RightText.JPG (http://www.montysminiguns.com/RightText.JPG) http://www.pipersprecisionproducts.com/ima...s/MVC-venom.MPG (http://www.pipersprecisionproducts.com/images/MVC-venom.MPG) 6mm airsoft http://www.urban.ne.jp/home/funada/survive/valcam.mpg (http://www.urban.ne.jp/home/funada/survive/valcam.mpg) And yes, a real paintball version exists too! http://www.montysminiguns.com/Loading.avi (http://www.montysminiguns.com/Loading.avi) http://www.montysminiguns.com/Firing.avi (http://www.montysminiguns.com/Firing.avi) Thanks for pointing that site out, Spawn! Great stuff there. :P Title: Re: Why I Like Miniguns Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-11-26, 07:43 MMMMMMM
Could not say it any better. Title: Re: Why I Like Miniguns Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2003-11-29, 10:12 Spawn: The rate of fire on that thing is just insane. o.o
Pho: I love the Valcam video! If you look closely, the minigun is actually pushing the man firing it backwards. :lol: Title: Re: Why I Like Miniguns Post by: Thomas Mink on 2003-12-02, 22:55 Kain: Yes... and it's the rate of fire that I like about miniguns. Most, that I know of, have two modes... the fast 66 rounds per second mode, and the slower, but still extremely fast, 33 rounds per second mode.. haha. Take your pick of terms... the 'bullet hose' is my favorite though. :)
Pho: Yes, that web site is on my favorites seeing as how it has the MOST minigun info I've ever seen, and it's all compounded into one web page. And quoting a paragraph from my LiveJournal... " "The paintball mini has gone past the prototype stage & into production. It looks like this gun is going to retail for around $6000" ... "The paintball mini clicks the chrono at a fairly good speed, 300fps with a 1200 per min rate of fire." Not only is that evil... but it's WRONG. I mean, I've heard from many different sources that ONE paintball hurts like hell... but shooting off 20 a second is just over doing it a little if you ask me. That's as bad as the BB minigun that shoots off 66 BBs a second... people could get severely injured with these things." Anyway... you guys seem to like miniguns almost as much as I do, haha. So.. I'll share another video I found with yas, and this one's about 11MB or so. It's taken from Monster Garage.. hahaha. http://members.lycos.nl/dondermeester/gun.wmv (http://members.lycos.nl/dondermeester/gun.wmv) hehehe, poor car didn't stand a chance. :) And as for the BB minigun.. I say it's wrong, but I'll be damned if I didn't want one. http://www.pipersprecisionproducts.com/ima...ges/FullPak.JPG (http://www.pipersprecisionproducts.com/images/FullPak.JPG) ...mmmmmm Title: Re: Why I Like Miniguns Post by: Phoenix on 2003-12-03, 05:17 :rockon: :biggun: :omfg:
:ph34r: Title: Re: Why I Like Miniguns Post by: Thomas Mink on 2003-12-03, 07:05 No no no, Phoenix... you got it all wrong. It's...
:thud::thud::thud: (http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/armed/mgwhore.gif) :blink: :rockon: Title: Re: Why I Like Miniguns Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-12-03, 07:10 Let's lay of the gratuitous smilies. If you can't reply with more than a string of smiley faces, don't reply.