Wirehead Studios

Wirehead Modifications => Generations Arena => Topic started by: MoJoJoJoe on 2003-12-02, 22:37

Title: How About An Skin/model Update
Post by: MoJoJoJoe on 2003-12-02, 22:37
Hey long time no post.  :D  I was just wondering how are the modeling and skinning of stuff going? Like how far are ya with the items. And whats the status on the luger model and skin that was supposed to be made?

Just want an update thats all. :thumb:

Title: Re: How About An Skin/model Update
Post by: Dicion on 2003-12-02, 23:09
you Could have asked that in the channel when you were there, and within 10 minutes, Tab, the master skinner himself, would have told you :P

You people gotta give the Chat room more time.... damn.. :P

Title: Re: How About An Skin/model Update
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-12-03, 00:07
Go to the News forum/Generations and look at the 99d changelog. There's some info there.

I'm not sure how the luger's doing. Pho or Tab will respond eventually.

And finially...I think this is the best post you've ever made mojo. Keep up the good work!