Title: Celebrity Deathmatch (B-Movie Edition) Post by: dev/null on 2003-12-08, 04:05 Ash ;)
Title: Re: Celebrity Deathmatch Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-12-08, 04:13 Boomstick + chainsaw > chainsaw only
Title: Re: Celebrity Deathmatch Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2003-12-08, 06:53 While I've never seen either Texas Massacre movie, I did see some cheap knock-off where a guy went around drilling through people with his guitar. (Yes, the guitar had a drill, and yes, the serial killer was a rockstar.) While that is completely irrelevant I still think Ash would win. :D
I'd like to see Killjoy and one of the Killer Klowns from Outer Space go toe-to-toe though. That would be an interesting fight. Title: Re: Celebrity Deathmatch Post by: Phoenix on 2003-12-08, 07:54 Ash. Not only can he use a chainsaw, but guns, swords, and he fights with an iron fist. He's a real Jack of All Trades. :P