Title: Creepy Magic Trick! Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-12-08, 10:09 http://www.zorstec.net/copperfield.htm (http://www.zorstec.net/copperfield.htm)
Title: Re: Creepy Magic Trick! Post by: Tekhead on 2003-12-08, 13:55 Neat, but easy to see through. B)
Title: Re: Creepy Magic Trick! Post by: Demonwench on 2003-12-08, 22:00 Okay that was kinda cool
Title: Re: Creepy Magic Trick! Post by: OoBeY on 2003-12-09, 00:25 I figured it out the INSTANT the end cards appeared :)
Title: Re: Creepy Magic Trick! Post by: l4mby on 2003-12-09, 04:49 *scratches head* I dun get it.
Title: Re: Creepy Magic Trick! Post by: Tabun on 2003-12-09, 10:09 It's really rather cheap - AND the oldest trick in the book :]
Here's a hint - he couldn't have done it with a full deck :] Title: Re: Creepy Magic Trick! Post by: Angst on 2003-12-09, 16:18 Heh, I'm afraid I dun get it either :P
It said pick a card, so I did, and then it shows all the cards again.. so.. yeah.. Title: Re: Creepy Magic Trick! Post by: l4mby on 2003-12-09, 19:32 rofl ... I get it now. *smacks self* DUH !
Title: Re: Creepy Magic Trick! Post by: OoBeY on 2003-12-09, 23:03 Quote from: Angst Heh, I'm afraid I dun get it either :P Wrong :)It said pick a card, so I did, and then it shows all the cards again.. so.. yeah.. Take a close look at the starting cards, as well as the ones he shows you at the end. *singing* All of these things are not like the others..., |