Title: The Moron Of The Day Award (Goes to THIS guy) Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-12-10, 03:55 http://forums.mbworld.org/forums/showthrea...10&pagenumber=1 (http://forums.mbworld.org/forums/showthread.php?threadid=53061&perpage=10&pagenumber=1)
:idiot: Title: Re: The Moron Of The Day Award Post by: dna on 2003-12-10, 05:56 Just makin sure my name wasn't at the other end of that link :D
Trying to decide if it's real or not. Didn't bother to read the whold umpteen pages... Title: Re: The Moron Of The Day Award Post by: Woolie Wool on 2003-12-10, 06:00 There are stupid people and there are stupid people. This guy falls under the latter category? He put a can of spray paint in the interior of his sporking car and didn't even put it in a plastic bag or something like that? DUMB, DUMB, DUMB!
Title: Re: The Moron Of The Day Award Post by: McDeth on 2003-12-10, 06:22 I saw this and I prayed that I wasn't this moron of the day mentioned on the link.
Yea, this guy is indeed worthy of this title. I have spilled coffee, soda, ice-cream, and assorted candy, but never paint. This man is really quite the moron... Title: Re: The Moron Of The Day Award Post by: Phoenix on 2003-12-10, 07:02 I left a convertible looking like that once. :evil:
Title: Re: The Moron Of The Day Award Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-12-10, 07:06 Ewwwwww! :omfg:
Title: Re: The Moron Of The Day Award Post by: Angst on 2003-12-10, 08:11 *ahem* hahahaha HAHAHAHA HAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!
Title: Re: The Moron Of The Day Award Post by: l4mby on 2003-12-10, 08:27 *blinks* Ummm ... pho ... don't hurt my car ! o.o
Yeah ... hehe ... Looks like a really nice car too ... I think it's really funny. Does that make me a bad person ? hehehe Title: Re: The Moron Of The Day Award Post by: p24t on 2003-12-11, 08:54 if the can was stuck under the seat, then why is there so much paint on the steering wheel specifically?
Title: Re: The Moron Of The Day Award Post by: l4mby on 2003-12-11, 08:55 That's what I was wonderin. I think it's b/c he took it out while it was still spraying. *shrug*
Title: Re: The Moron Of The Day Award Post by: p24t on 2003-12-11, 08:58 people that dumb are usually frightened by loud noises.
Title: Re: The Moron Of The Day Award Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-12-11, 09:05 People that dumb are usually frightened by small children and clowns too.
Title: Re: The Moron Of The Day Award Post by: Phoenix on 2003-12-11, 09:16 Children are EVIL. EEEEEEVVVVVVIIIIIILLL!! And so are clowns. Do you have ANY IDEA what it is like for a bird in a cage at the pet store to have some brat RUN up to your cage and start SCREAMING at you:
"TALK YOU STUPID BIRD!! I SAID TALK!!! This bird SUCKS, it won't talk!" Then proceed to POUND ON THE CAGE? :blink: Title: Re: The Moron Of The Day Award Post by: dna on 2003-12-11, 15:14 Children, in general, suck.
Title: Re: The Moron Of The Day Award Post by: l4mby on 2003-12-11, 17:43 Quote from: Phoenix Children are EVIL. EEEEEEVVVVVVIIIIIILLL!! And so are clowns. Do you have ANY IDEA what it is like for a bird in a cage at the pet store to have some brat RUN up to your cage and start SCREAMING at you: I'm sorry pho, but that's the funniest thing I've heard today. I couldn't stop laughing, and now I feel like a jerk. *shakes her head* hehe."TALK YOU STUPID BIRD!! I SAID TALK!!! This bird SUCKS, it won't talk!" Then proceed to POUND ON THE CAGE? :blink: I do agree that clowns are evil. I hated them ever since "It" *shudder* Pho, it could be worse, it could be an adult doing that. At least children somewhat have their 'innocence.' All they need it a good thwapping in the head. *evil grin* Title: Re: The Moron Of The Day Award Post by: dev/null on 2003-12-12, 02:22 I don?t think I?d go as far as to call clowns evil. They are certainly sad and pathetic creatures, but evil they are not. Even It, as previously mentioned, was pretty lame? Of course, what of Stephen King?s work isn?t?
Anyway, I didn?t read all of the link, but from what I can see this guy is far from a huge moron. He accidentally sprayed the interior of his car with paint, shit happens. I?m sure there are a lot of people who are guilty of riding around with spray paint in the floorboard, however, I doubt most of them have the unfortunate luck of busting it under their seat. I guess you could question this man?s sensibility for posting this on the internet, though, but even that is debatable, as he only wants to know if it?s cleanable. |