Title: MUNKEE WARZ >_< Post by: Tekhead on 2003-12-15, 00:52 http://thesurrealist.co.uk/monkey?def=Tekhead (http://thesurrealist.co.uk/monkey?def=Tekhead)
ROAR! Title: Re: MUNKEE WARZ >_< Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-12-15, 01:15 http://thesurrealist.co.uk/monkey.cgi?att=...dUs&def=Tekhead (http://thesurrealist.co.uk/monkey.cgi?att=ConfusedUs&def=Tekhead)
Con wins. Title: Re: MUNKEE WARZ >_< Post by: l4mby on 2003-12-15, 01:32 l4mby wins too !
http://thesurrealist.co.uk/monkey.cgi?att=...mby&def=Tekhead (http://thesurrealist.co.uk/monkey.cgi?att=l4mby&def=Tekhead) Title: Re: MUNKEE WARZ >_< Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-12-15, 01:36 Con wins again!
http://thesurrealist.co.uk/monkey.cgi?att=...&def=ConfusedUs (http://thesurrealist.co.uk/monkey.cgi?att=l4mby&def=ConfusedUs) Title: Re: MUNKEE WARZ >_< Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2003-12-15, 07:31 Hmm... I think it just rates your name a certain way and that's your permanent battle score. I'm a Gravel-Eating Cowboy Monkey with a battle rating of 6.7.
I've had my ass handed to me by all of you... http://thesurrealist.co.uk/monkey.cgi?att=...ier&def=Tekhead (http://thesurrealist.co.uk/monkey.cgi?att=Kain-Xavier&def=Tekhead) http://thesurrealist.co.uk/monkey.cgi?att=...&def=ConfusedUs (http://thesurrealist.co.uk/monkey.cgi?att=Kain-Xavier&def=ConfusedUs) http://thesurrealist.co.uk/monkey.cgi?att=...avier&def=l4mby (http://thesurrealist.co.uk/monkey.cgi?att=Kain-Xavier&def=l4mby) Title: Re: MUNKEE WARZ >_< Post by: Demonwench on 2003-12-15, 18:39 The 'Wench wins! Anyone surprised? LOL
Title: Re: MUNKEE WARZ >_< Post by: games keeper on 2003-12-15, 19:30 Title: Re: MUNKEE WARZ >_< Post by: Dicion on 2003-12-15, 19:58 uhm hum.. nice edit gameskeeper... almost believeable.. until you click on the link :)
Title: Re: MUNKEE WARZ >_< Post by: dev/null on 2003-12-15, 20:07 http://thesurrealist.co.uk/monkey?def=Dr.+Zaius (http://thesurrealist.co.uk/monkey?def=Dr.+Zaius)
Hehe... Of course, Dr. Zaius isn't really a monkey at all, he's an orangutan. This, however, is the best score I could get out of any variation of my name(s). I do kind of like the description though *shrugs* Title: Re: MUNKEE WARZ >_< Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-12-15, 20:17 http://thesurrealist.co.uk/monkey.cgi?att=...z&def=Dr.+Zaius (http://thesurrealist.co.uk/monkey.cgi?att=Lilazz&def=Dr.+Zaius)
FORM ACTION=http://thesurrealist.co.uk/monkey.cgi METHOD=GET>
Title: Re: MUNKEE WARZ >_< Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-12-15, 20:18 http://thesurrealist.co.uk/monkey.cgi?att=...def=GamesKeeper (http://thesurrealist.co.uk/monkey.cgi?att=Lilazz&def=GamesKeeper)
Title: Re: MUNKEE WARZ >_< Post by: games keeper on 2003-12-15, 22:11 Quote uhm hum.. nice edit gameskeeper... almost believeable.. until you click on the link :omfg:Title: Re: MUNKEE WARZ >_< Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-12-16, 01:29 W00t, the confused monkey is still #1!
Title: Re: MUNKEE WARZ >_< Post by: l4mby on 2003-12-16, 06:12 I'm #2 !
Title: Re: MUNKEE WARZ >_< Post by: Lunatic Guy on 2003-12-16, 13:57 I could never understand what the hell is going on, unless someone explains to me. :huh: :huh: :huh: