Title: OH THANK HEAVENS ! (I'm done !) Post by: l4mby on 2003-12-19, 18:54 After long maticulous hours, I finally finished my English portfolio (over the video gaming community) this morning and handed it in. I stayed up til 4 last night working on it and woke up at 8 to put finishing touches on it. I'm extremely pleased w/ it and hope it earns me an A since it's worth 50% of my grade. I even got some screenies of Gen in there. =P This marks the end of the semester for me, as I am in dire need of some time off. I'll let you guys know the outcome when I go to pick it up on Monday. *crosses fingers* I'd like to apologize to anybody and everybody I crabbed at last night. As many of you might already know, this year has been hell for me, and this project wasn't making it any better. Sorry again. =/
So what next ? It look as if I'll have to take some mandatory time off from school. I might end up getting kicked out of the university for having bad grades 2 semesters in a row. Let's just hope that my English grade pulls the rest of it up. *crosses fingers* If I do by chance pass, I can't register for next semester anyways. I can't come up w/ enough money to pay off my bill at the university in time to register for next semester. I guess this is a sign that I need to think harder about what I want to do w/ my life as I've been going down a dead end road my entire college career. It's time to sit down and think about what I really feel like I could do for the rest of my life. So now here comes the hard part. I'm gonna have all this free time on my hands. What in the heck am I going to do w/ myself ? Any ideas ? Hehe. I'm hoping to possibly travel a little bit. See some place other than Nebraska for a change. Continue to get physched about QuakeCon. Maybe I should get crackin on how to make a website. That could come in handy. Perhaps get to drawing again. With that, I want to wish everybody a Happy Holidays. Be safe, have fun and all that jazz. Don't do anything I wouldn't ... oh wait, that's bad advice. *giggles* Title: Re: OH THANK HEAVENS ! Post by: dna on 2003-12-19, 19:45 Just sit back, grab some 'ludes, and surf all the pron channels.
That's life, baby. That's life. Title: Re: OH THANK HEAVENS ! Post by: Dicion on 2003-12-19, 20:29 Quote from: l4mby So now here comes the hard part. I'm gonna have all this free time on my hands. What in the heck am I going to do w/ myself ? Any ideas ? Join the military!!ok, no really... hehe Title: Re: OH THANK HEAVENS ! Post by: l4mby on 2003-12-19, 23:27 Sorry dic, but boot camp would kill me. And the military would never accept me anyways, so that's not a viable option. =P
Title: Re: OH THANK HEAVENS ! Post by: Demonwench on 2003-12-21, 08:04 Bah, I say continue working, and with free time comes more time for work. Work = money. Money = ability to do stuff and/or go places. Besides, if it's a pud job, they won't mind you taking off here and there so you can go where you wish. You know yer welcome when I have time. And may be a good idea to find some direction, babe. At least a clue as to where to go next. Things change all the time. Ride it out. And don't forget to take the time to enjoy life.
Title: Re: OH THANK HEAVENS ! Post by: ReBoOt on 2003-12-21, 20:39 What's wrong with boot camp? :P hehe nah i know the feeling but im sure you'll find a way in life too :)
Title: Re: OH THANK HEAVENS ! Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-12-21, 23:07 Quote So now here comes the hard part. I'm gonna have all this free time on my hands. What in the heck am I going to do w/ myself ? Any ideas ? Hehe. I'm hoping to possibly travel a little bit. See some place other than Nebraska for a change. Continue to get physched about QuakeCon. Maybe I should get crackin on how to make a website. That could come in handy. Perhaps get to drawing again. Come visit Gina and me! :thumb: As for what you can do...you wouldn't happen to know C/C++ would you? We need someone to make Blast Arena. ;) And if you need webdesign hints, just let me know! Title: Re: OH THANK HEAVENS ! Post by: l4mby on 2003-12-21, 23:25 lol con ... I know a _little_ and I mean _very little_ C++. It taught me that programming is the devil. =P I can't program, sorry. However, if there's anything else I could help w/, I'd love to. =)
Oh, and con, lol, how about you just show me how to do everything website related. =P Title: Re: OH THANK HEAVENS ! Post by: McDeth on 2003-12-22, 03:45 .....
Thank god indeed. Title: Re: OH THANK HEAVENS ! Post by: dna on 2003-12-22, 04:28 Quote from: ConfusedUs And if you need webdesign hints, just let me know! Mine misbehaves. Title: Re: OH THANK HEAVENS ! Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-12-22, 14:32 If you're using a php enabled webserver, this is the thing to do.
Code: <?php include("http://location.of.your.file/file.xxx"); ?> If you're using the kind of SSI that goes something like the following, be SURE that your page is saved as a .shtml file. Code: (this isn't exact. I haven't used this in ages, and I don't have access to my old files on this machine). Go check out http://www.htmlgoodies.com (http://www.htmlgoodies.com) or http://www.webmonkey.com (http://www.webmonkey.com) for more details on the second example. Use http://www.php.net (http://www.php.net) for PHP related inquiries. Title: Re: OH THANK HEAVENS ! Post by: dna on 2003-12-22, 15:14 Quote from: ConfusedUs be SURE that your page is saved as a .shtml file. DOH! It's always those little things that get me. I completely forgot about that part. No wonder it was ignoring all my snippets. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Hey, it was late... I was tired... just learning... um... yeah... Title: Re: OH THANK HEAVENS ! Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-12-22, 17:33 Yup, that'd do it! ;)
Title: Re: OH THANK HEAVENS ! Post by: l4mby on 2003-12-22, 21:57 YOU STOLE MY THUNDER ! BAD CON ! =P
In other news, today has been a bad day. I finally told my mom that I can't go to school next semester b/c I can't afford to pay the bill. Then it turned into what my GPA is. And you can guess where it went from there ... all downhill. However, I did get my portfolio back today. I had it for more than half an hour before I finally opened it. I got an A on the portfolio, and a B+ in the class. So I guess at least sth good happened today. |