Title: UT2XMP (Anyone tried it?) Post by: dna on 2003-12-19, 22:06 I liked it. What did you folks think?
Title: Re: UT2XMP Post by: Thomas Mink on 2003-12-21, 08:13 I liked it... my old QWTF clan is even thinking of making a comeback as a XMP clan. We're currently in the recruiting process.. so far, all old members. Think we're trying to spread it around to all the old members to see what they think first.
In any case, I don't play anything but Tech... a homeboy Tech. Meaning, I never leave my base and instead stick around to help build up a defense. It's how I play CTF style games... offense sucks ass, no offense to all you flag runner types. ;p Title: Re: UT2XMP Post by: Phoenix on 2003-12-21, 08:28 Offense wins the game. Defense makes sure the other side's doesn't. Each has a roll to play.
I haven't tried this game. I probably won't either. Title: Re: UT2XMP Post by: Thomas Mink on 2003-12-21, 08:45 :offtopic
Offense wins the game, eh? Then you try to play a CTF game with no defense.. Altho in a normal CTF game, I guess it IS possible. Just touch the flag and it returns. I'm used to TF, where the flag stayed where it was dropped for a minute before returning... no automagic returns. In any case, my take is.. both win the game. A team won't win without both an offense and a defense. Just my preference is defense, so therefore offense sucks... to me. ;) :offtopic Title: Re: UT2XMP Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-12-22, 14:27 That's what he ment. Offense gets the points that win the game. Defense keeps the OTHER team from getting the points to win.
Title: Re: UT2XMP Post by: Thomas Mink on 2003-12-22, 17:01 Yea, yea... don't mind me... I'm an avid supporter of defense, so I try to pick out slight....... uhh... things, to argue about. :)
Title: Re: UT2XMP Post by: dna on 2003-12-22, 17:19 Anyway, getting back on topic...
Title: Re: UT2XMP Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-12-22, 17:33 Quote from: dna Anyway, getting back on topic... From you?/me feels ground "hmm...kinda cold. I think hell just froze over..." Title: Re: UT2XMP Post by: dna on 2003-12-22, 18:20 I've taken your teachings to heart, Con. I'm a reformed man who wants nothing more than to see the rules of the forum followed.