Title: Killer attack squirrel (OF DOOOOOOOM) Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-01-05, 20:43 I about died laughing here.
http://cuagain.manilasites.com/discuss/msg...Reader$287 (http://cuagain.manilasites.com/discuss/msgReader$287) Title: Re: Killer attack squirrel Post by: dna on 2004-01-05, 21:27 OK - that's pretty good.
Title: Re: Killer attack squirrel Post by: ReBoOt on 2004-01-05, 21:29 Haha i knew those squirrels where evil :D
Title: Re: Killer attack squirrel Post by: l4mby on 2004-01-05, 21:58 Hehe ... that's funny.
Now see, here in Nebraska, there's squirrels EVERYWHERE. You can't even walk to class w/o seeing at least one. Well ... me and my friend were walking to class one day and I kid you not, a SHAVED squirrel (bald except for its tail) ran in front of us and up a tree. I think one of the frat parties got a little ... out of hand. Title: Re: Killer attack squirrel Post by: Phoenix on 2004-01-06, 03:51 ... and the dominant species is? :D
Title: Re: Killer attack squirrel Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2004-01-06, 17:08 o.O That is one nasty effin squirrel. I wonder how the experience played out with the police officers. Maybe they'll eventually come across the motorcyclist's article and respond...
Thanks for the link Con, I'll be forwarding this on to some of my friends. |