Title: PDA Help (Stupid stores) Post by: Demonwench on 2004-01-18, 23:45 Okay, so I live in the middle of podunk Kansas. I need a PDA, palm, whatever you want to call it, for my senior year. I decided I want the IPaq HP4155. So I drive to the "Big City" to get one. And? Neither of the stores, Office Depot or Best Buy, had it. I'm very annoyed. It's not every weekend I have time to pop off to the city. So, I guess I need to order it online. Whatt I need to know is, What is a good, reliable internet place to order it and some of the fixings to go with it?
Title: Re: PDA Help Post by: dna on 2004-01-19, 00:06 I professionaly buy alot of stuff from CDW. I haven't checked to see if they carry that, but they carry alot of that kind of stuff.
Of course, I have an account manager, so maybe I get special treatment, but the other reps I've talked to there seem to have been pretty professional. Does Amazon carry it? Maybe Newegg? Just throwing ideas out... Title: Re: PDA Help Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-01-19, 00:47 Newegg is one of the best online stores out there. It's cheap, reliable, hassle-free, and often has very cheap shipping prices.
Also, bestbuy and Circuit City have their own websites where you can order things, I believe http://www.newegg.com (http://www.newegg.com) Title: Re: PDA Help Post by: Phoenix on 2004-01-19, 02:34 Yes, NewEgg is good. I use them a lot and I've never once had a problem with them.
http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc....-103-115&depa=1 (http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=58-103-115&depa=1) I believe this is the item you're looking for. Title: Re: PDA Help Post by: Woodsman on 2004-01-19, 04:58 its been my experiance that frys usually has the lower prices so give this a try.
http://shop4.outpost.com/product/3839747 (http://shop4.outpost.com/product/3839747) secondly let me say how disapointed i am that you could chose windows CE over the palm O.S. shame shame. Title: Re: PDA Help Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-01-19, 05:00 did you even look at the newegg site? It's $50 cheaper.
Title: Re: PDA Help Post by: Woodsman on 2004-01-19, 05:18 i said "usually"
Title: Re: PDA Help Post by: Demonwench on 2004-01-19, 08:00 Oh that's brilliant! And the shipping is free...I did the shipping calculator. Wicked awesome! You guys rock! This is why I asked you guys. '-)
Title: Re: PDA Help Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-01-19, 08:02 No problem! That's what we're here for!