Title: Robots from hell! Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-01-19, 08:36 http://www.us.aibo.com/ (http://www.us.aibo.com/)
It's got wireless LAN capabilities, it can recognise people's faces, it can be sent commands via email or can control itself. All it needs now is guns. AIBO Assassin from Title: Re: Robots from hell! Post by: OoBeY on 2004-01-19, 08:37 I'll be more worried when they rename the ISS "The Citadel" and send those up there.
Title: Re: Robots from hell! Post by: Phoenix on 2004-01-19, 08:38 Strogg Dog? :huh:
Title: Re: Robots from hell! Post by: dna on 2004-01-19, 14:48 I liked the Aibo with the head designed by Shoji Kawamori lots better. This one looks like Disney.