Title: Night Vision Contacts (gimme gimme I want!) Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-01-21, 06:02 http://www.core77.com/challenge/humanpower...pages/8desc.htm (http://www.core77.com/challenge/humanpower/pages/8desc.htm)
Title: Re: Night Vision Contacts Post by: Phoenix on 2004-01-21, 06:18 Sounds great on paper, but all these exotic materials sound like a very quick case of conjuctivitis at best or corneal infection at worst.
Title: Re: Night Vision Contacts Post by: Tha[\]atos on 2004-01-21, 06:20 me wants :P
... well at least until pho pointed that out :( Title: Re: Night Vision Contacts Post by: OmEgA-X on 2004-01-21, 06:23 i wouldnt risk my eyes..maybe my hearing but never my vision.