Title: Junk mail == Cash! Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-01-23, 08:02 In case you missed this on the news quite some time ago, this is the story of a man who deposited a $95,000 junk mail check on a whim...and got the money
http://www.goodthink.com/writing/view_stor...id=11&page_id=2 (http://www.goodthink.com/writing/view_stories.cfm?id=11&page_id=2) Title: Re: Junk mail == Cash! Post by: Demonwench on 2004-01-23, 19:53 Man...makes me wish I deposited those fake Million dollar checks...
Title: Re: Junk mail == Cash! Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2004-01-24, 20:54 Patrick Combs is now among the few human beings I idolize. Thanks for linking me Con! :thumb:
/me runs off to the Europe game. |