Title: S00per d00per st0r1time! (Boredom at its best) Post by: Xypher on 2004-01-28, 03:00 Ok, here's how it works, I start off a story with...
...In the dawn of time, man was created, and thus was woman. Man was hesitant toward the world at first, but became accustomed to it soon. He began creating tools like... And someone else chimes in with more =D Title: Re: S00per d00per st0r1time! Post by: Punisher on 2004-01-28, 03:04 a spork. Which he used to kill many.....
Title: Re: S00per d00per st0r1time! Post by: Phoenix on 2004-01-28, 05:42 Dopefish, because dopefish are good eating don't you know. The spork was such a successful tool that woman decided to...
Title: Re: S00per d00per st0r1time! Post by: MaxAstro on 2004-01-28, 05:55 ...improve on it. So they invented the spear. Unfortunately, the spear was so effective that man often put it to use...
Title: Re: S00per d00per st0r1time! Post by: Xypher on 2004-01-28, 08:16 slaying demons! and when they're not doing that, they have a nice long lounge in a jacuzzi, in the holodeck they summon up tons of...
Title: Re: S00per d00per st0r1time! Post by: Phoenix on 2004-01-28, 10:42 pomegranites, which are oh-so deliciously juicy, as well as...
Title: Re: S00per d00per st0r1time! Post by: Angst on 2004-01-28, 16:55 ... rather explosive if spelled improperly, after learning of this, Commander Keen...
Title: Re: S00per d00per st0r1time! Post by: Punisher on 2004-01-29, 01:24 decided to realize his dream of destroying ohio with pomegranites, but there was someone standing in his way and that person was....
Title: Re: S00per d00per st0r1time! Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2004-02-02, 23:16 Billy-Bon Von Litchenstein... burg, a nasty bugger who often...
Title: Re: S00per d00per st0r1time! Post by: Xypher on 2004-02-03, 10:35 ...Rampaged through towns, burninating the countryside, burninating the peasants, burninating the...
Title: Re: S00per d00per st0r1time! Post by: Angst on 2004-02-03, 17:45 ... tacos, which brought upon him the wrath of Gir, Destroyer of Worlds. Who in his rage ...
Title: Re: S00per d00per st0r1time! Post by: Punisher on 2004-02-05, 00:17 .....demanded that Litchenstein stop burninating his precious tacos or else he and Taco Bell would unleash their mighty armies to ravage Earth. Litchenstein replied....