Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: ConfusedUs on 2004-03-09, 00:38

Title: WebDev FireFox Extentions
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-03-09, 00:38
I thought I would share the two extensions that I simply cannot live with out. (now that I've had them a whopping half hour :D )

1. editCSS - By Pascal Guimier - http://editcss.mozdev.org/ (http://editcss.mozdev.org/)

This amazing extension will allow you to open up a sidebar containing the CSS information for what ever page you are on and edit it live. This means any thing you change in the CSS will display immediately in the browser window. Awesome, tool.

2. Web Developer - By Chris Pederick - http://www.chrispederick.myacen.com/work/f...x/webdeveloper/ (http://www.chrispederick.myacen.com/work/firefox/webdeveloper/)

This extension has all kinds of crazy tools to help webdevs. Including one click validations for HTML, Links, CSS, Accessibility. You can quickly resize your browser to standard screen resolutions. Outline block level elements, tables and depreciated tags. View info about the page you are currently viewing like CSS, Cookies and headers. Quickly link to various web specs. As well as various tools for images and forms... A must have for web developers.