Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: [WaRdeN] on 2003-10-09, 18:47

Title: KOTH (TradeWars2003 King of the Hill)
Post by: [WaRdeN] on 2003-10-09, 18:47
Telnet to

Game A, KOTH.

Rules of the game:
Every day at 12NOON EST, whoever controls Ferrengal (corp or player) will recieve 1 point. Corp/Player with most points after Nov 15 will win.

Game will be closed to all new players on Monday at 12NOON, so there wont be duplicates. I *will* delete duplicates without warning.

Be sure to check stardock for the new ships that were added, and to carefully examine the planets you create.

So have fun!