Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: games keeper on 2003-02-08, 15:36

Title: the time is near (I did it my way)
Post by: games keeper on 2003-02-08, 15:36
the time is near to do it
I did it my way
i gonna miss him,
he served me well
he did everething I asked sometimes with troubles sometimes smooth
but its time to let him go and move on.
time to use another PC

my new pc has arrived here are the specs

300mhz (pentium II )                  
256mb sd                                
tnt2 32mb                              
from the trashcan
(actually for dual

2100+mhz (amd)
512 ddr ram
radeon 9500 pro 128 mb
motherboard with AGP 8X and usb 2.0

everething else like disk, cd-rom ,screen and other are the same.

If I was deadly before in a game ,im unstopable now :)

Title: Re: the time is near
Post by: WolfCub on 2003-02-08, 15:53
Man, that's a kick ass system.

Title: Re: the time is near
Post by: Dr. Jones on 2003-02-08, 17:32
Quote from: games keeper
2100+mhz (amd)
512 ddr ram
radeon 9500 pro 128 mb
motherboard with AGP 8X and usb 2.0


If I was deadly before in a game ,im unstable now :)
#1: you don't have enough memory
#2: yes you're definitely unstable

*pushes gameskeeper over*

Title: Re: the time is near
Post by: games keeper on 2003-02-08, 18:37
wolcub thanks ;)
 :angry: phil look again and see from what system I come.
I will put more ram in it when I have some more money .
hellI never had 512 mb ram in it man and still it ain't good for you  :angry:

now look and say "great GK I would like to see  you now in battle"

if you know that with my lat system I only had 8 fps in space ctf . 4 fps in TA.
I would like to see the result now .
(pc still installing winxp

Title: Re: the time is near
Post by: dev/null on 2003-02-08, 23:07
Great games keeper, I'd like to see you in battle now :P

Title: Re: the time is near
Post by: games keeper on 2003-02-08, 23:58
thanks dev hope I see you 2 on a server .

Title: Re: the time is near
Post by: ReBoOt on 2003-02-09, 00:28
hmm my system's getting old...oh well...

Title: Re: the time is near
Post by: OmEgA-X on 2003-02-09, 03:34
mine too..i think its time for me to save up for a new puter  :unsure: