Does anybody on this site (or any other) still have a copy of the Duke Nukem 3d Atomic Edition? If so, I have access to a map I made some years back that might breath new life into that old game, even if just for a minute. It's a HUGE map with so many enemies that the counter can't even register them all when you win. It's not just a simple box either because I tried to build it to be a real challenge for 4 people on cooperative play mode. Imagine Will Rock set to Will Die, but in Duke's L.A. with several explorable tall buildings. If ye want I can have the map soon, maybe tomorrow. It's on a floppy at my cousin's house. This behemoth I'm referring to takes up most of the build engine editing space. It's THAT BIG. It also has features like boobytraps and ambushes. Some traps are activated with buttons and can be used in Dukematch. I just got the maps back today :June 14.