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Author Topic: Beast from the East  (Read 7135 times)
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Bird of Fire

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« on: 2007-08-12, 01:12 »

Starting this month in a port neighborhood and then spreading across Shenzhen, a city of 12.4 million people, residency cards fitted with powerful computer chips programmed by the same company will be issued to most citizens.

Data on the chip will include not just the citizen?s name and address but also work history, educational background, religion, ethnicity, police record, medical insurance status and landlord?s phone number. Even personal reproductive history will be included, for enforcement of China?s controversial ?one child? policy. Plans are being studied to add credit histories, subway travel payments and small purchases charged to the card....

...?If they do not get the permanent card, they cannot live here, they cannot get government benefits, and that is a way for the government to control the population in the future,? said Michael Lin, the vice president for investor relations at China Public Security Technology, the company providing the technology.


And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Rev 13:16-17

It's been speculated over the last several years by many within Christian circles that the "mark of the beast" would be an implanted computer ID chip that would be used to track people and linked to a database containing information about every aspect of their life.  At no other time in history has mankind had the technology for a dictator to track everyone with some kind of "mark".  This ID card the Chinese are implementing is one step away from a chip.  Implantable chips have already been tested and are in use in high-security installations and by government officials in Mexico.  They're made by Applied Digital Solutions.  Even if you don't believe any of this is prophetic, you should find it frightening and disturbing because if China can do this and make it work, the infrastructure will exist to destroy all free societies and will have been field tested by one of the most brutal and authoritative regimes in the world.  With "cameras on every corner" in places like London, and the electronic tracking of every aspect of people's lives, such a system of control could easily expand globally, so long as people are willing to allow it to happen.

Think it can't happen in places like America?  I watch very little television, but I've seen these Visa commercials that show all these happy people swiping, swiping, swiping away their little cards in a jolly, synchronized dance and one person pulls out a checkbook and everyone stops and looks astonished and glares at the offending "freak" who "threw off their groove", so to speak.  You need to be playing the game their way is what they're saying.  "Cash is obsolete, so stop using it.  Be like us!  It's more convenient this way."  Even now the dollar as a currency is teetering on collapse and may not be around much longer if things play out a certain way.

Want to know why America won't ever ditch foreign oil, regardless of what Bush or any other politician says?  Saudi oil props up the dollar because of a treaty negotiated with the Saudi royal family by Richard Nixon that in return for buying Saudi oil the Saudis only accept US dollars as currency.  The dollar was struggling then and it was a way for the US to prop up the US currency and maintain a stable oil supply and some US control over it, while for the Saudis it guaranteed an expanding market and US military protection from rival factions in the region.  That could easily change.  Right now China has nearly $1 Trillion - that's with a 'T' - dollars worth of US treasury notes which it has threatened to dump if the US imposes import tariffs on Chinese goods - which the Democratically-controlled Congress has proposed, probably at the insistence on labor unions.  Need I remind everyone that the trade agreements that opened China up for American factories to go there in the first place were negotiated when Bill Clinton was in office?  I seem to remember Chinese diplomats being house in the Lincoln bedroom at the White House and questionable campaign contributions from foreign interests at the time, among other things.  Rather ironic that this is biting these politicians in the ass now, but it's the lives of the American citizenry they're playing roulette with here.  Not that Republicans do any better when it comes to this sort of thing, but the end result of all this is that the US dollar could become worthless overnight by either a coup in Saudi Arabia or else idiot politicians pissing off China's government.  They can afford to take the economic hit in order to tank the US dollar as, if the dollar devalues to nothing, then the Euro will skyrocket and China will have a nice market for all its goods after ditching the dollar for Euros.  With the American dollar worthless, and the US economy in disarray, cash would be of no use, and in order to ration food, medicine, etc, in a time of crisis guess what will be needed - a way to identify you.  People put into desperate situations will agree to a lot of things, and it would certainly be an opportune time to implement a system of control.

Could this really happen?  I think it's entirely plausible myself.  I remember there was this thing called the Great Depression after the stock markets crashed in 1929.  Hopefully these are just possibilities and nothing more, but who knows what the future holds?  It certainly holds ill things for the Chinese populace in the near future.  I leave it up to you to decide what to think of all of this.  If it's the first you've heard it, well, I'm not surprised either.  They don't talk about this sort of thing on the news much.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

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« Reply #1 on: 2007-08-12, 03:27 »

There have already been efforts to introduce a similar (albeit much lesser) ID card system in the UK, so I have no illusions that such a technology could find its way to the West, particularly in a time when fear is rife (something which governments all over the world like to capitalize on). Frankly I'm sick of hearing about how we can only ever feel safe if our government knows absolutely everything about us. Bullshit. If government gave a flying f**k about anything other than power the world would never be in the absolute mess that it's in now. Apathy stifles liberty, true, but what means does Joe Public have of being heard?

It doesn't matter what percentage of the population is opposed to a decision, for the most part they are ignored. Violent uprising may make the government sit up and take notice, but they have military muscle, and in places like China they would not hesitate to use it, and I'm sure that there are a few Western governments who would smack the masses down in that situation.

And this country is hosting the Olympics next year...

PSN ID: scalliano

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