I've been playing around with Generations, trying out the maps, and I thought I'd give you guys some feedback, so you can make this mod as awesome as possible. I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but I've been a bit disappointed with some of the maps that are conversions of maps from old Quake/ Quake 2. Not because they're bad, but because the rest of the mod is so awesome.
Basically, I think sometimes there's a bit too much detail, when there doesn't need to be. Also I found that sometimes, the maps seemed smaller than they used to. It's hard to explain why but ultimately I think this relates to the increased detail, and because your players are moving faster than in Quake 2.
The following screenshots give an example of an instance where I thought a map seemed smaller in Generations:
So I took a look at some of the maps that came with Quake 3 and something I noticed was that they do contain a lot more large, open spaces for combat- they're bigger, basically. Now I think this relates to the points I raised above about more detail/ faster player speed meaning that the maps look smaller. I have this idea that id probably realised this (subconsciously) and made the maps bigger to keep them looking as big and impressive as they did in Quake 2. You moved faster in Quake 1 but again, there, there was less detail in the maps so that didn't affect how big they looked..
So obviously, my suggestion would be making the converted maps much bigger, using the extra power Quake 3 gives you to really increase the size of the rooms in them. I don't know how much work that would involve but there you go, I think it would be really cool and worth doing.
By the way with Return to The Edge I think you lose a bit of the original feel of Q2DM1 because previously everything was smooth, clean, etc. but in the new version it's grittier. Some people will probably prefer that but I dunno, I really liked the old style.
Again I hope this doesn't annoy anybody because I know it can be really frustrating to work hard on something, then have someone tell you they've noticed what they think are problems with it. I just mention this stuff because I really like how this mod is turning out and I think the things I've mentioned here could help you guys make it even better.