yesterday I was playing need for speed underground. ( not a bad game ,nice tuningstuff) and I was going for a race (online ) I played out the game , Iso I got al the parts against 2 cars it said they where easy to beat , the other 1 was chalenging .
now you have to know that I played out the game , I have everything tuned op to the max , and my car can go 350 in 6th if I have a straight line with nothing on ,and dont forget the nitro I can still put on .
so the race starts , and 1 of the easy cars , shoots out infront of me => first point thats weird a bit further I see him crash (normally you loose speed => this guy didn't loose speed ) since I got the second fastest car out of the game and no one else was driving something faster , I should be on the first place the map had a lot of corners , my medium speed was 280 , and I didnt do 1 crash al over the game .
it where 4 laps when I started the 3th lap , I was driving against 300 . the guy that took the lead was going past me , crashing in the air . you need 1 minute or a bit more to finish a lap . the max speed ever gotten without blowing engine is 360 .
explain me now , how he could double me with a slower car , crashing ,and within 3 minutes instead of 4 .
(while your ad it , calcullate the speed hes going while he doubled me crashing when you know I was drivng 300km/h )
( the guy his name was ch34t3r )